
Cleantech investments need to soar

According to a report published in May by the International Energy Agency,  the clean energy investments needed to limit temperatures from warming to 2 degrees Celsius: an additional $44 trillion ( 32 trillion euros ) by 2050. This means spending an additional $1.2 trillion in cleantech ( like solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy…. ) per year for the next 36 years

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Solar and wind are soaring in Australia

The energy transition is taking place in Australia. According to the local website, Renew Economy, that’s pretty much a certainty as no less than 4.4 billion US Dollars – 3.17 billion euros – were spent there in cleantech in 2013. The vast majority of these huge sums – around 2.8 billion USD – were invested in solar

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Footsie launches interesting tool for divestment

As the NRDC noted : ” The Natural Resources Defense Council, BlackRock and FTSE Group, the global index provider, partnered today in launching the first equity global index series that will exclude companies linked to carbon-based fossil fuel. “ ” The new investment tool will allow climate-conscious investors, including foundations, universities and certain pension groups, to match

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