Carbon Capture and Storage

A new idea : Carbon Capture and Utilization

Since carbon capture and storage (CCS) doesn’t make much sense and is nowhere near being ready (we have seen it here and  there), why not capture carbon and simply use it ? To CleanTechnica : ” Rather than treating carbon dioxide as a waste, technology, energy, industrial and power industry participants, would be better served […]

A new idea : Carbon Capture and Utilization Read More »

Carbon Capture and Storage fails to deliver

You may perhaps remember it, the International Energy Agency is banking a lot on carbon capture and storage (CCS). Indeed, the IEA believes that it could account for 15 % of greenhouse gases emissions reductions. However, CleanTechnica got an interesting article on how this solution fails to deliver. One of the main reasons is that

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Cleantech is progressing fast

… but fossil fuels are progressing even faster. This is in a nutshell the message from the International Energy Agency’s (IEA, the OECD energy office) latest report, the Clean Energy Progress Report. As GreenTechMedia noted : ” Renewable energy generation has grown, on average, by 2.7 percent a year since 1990. Electricity generation, however, has

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Coal costs the United States $500 billion each year

It made the headlights last week on practically all environmental websites. The hidden costs – the negative externalities if you prefer – of coal are of 500 billion Dollars per year for the United States alone. Yes, you read it right : burning coal costs the country half a trillion dollar on health costs, premature

Coal costs the United States $500 billion each year Read More »

Biochar and its potential role

To CleanTechies : « Biochar is charcoal type created by the pyrolysis of biomass, and differs from ordinary charcoal only in the sense that its primary use is not for fuel, but for biosequestration or atmospheric carbon capture and storage.» «As much as 12 % of the world’s human caused greenhouse gas emissions could be

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My humble opinion on Bill Gates’ speech at TED

Last month the founder of Microsoft gave a speech on low carbon energy and climate change at TED, a renowned event on Technology, Entertainment and Design. To Mr. Gates we need five means : carbon capture and storage, nuclear power and renewable energies (solar PV, Concentrated Solar Thermal and Wind power). I agree with that.

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Worth an article – my February 2010 tweets

I have been committed for three years to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector. However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. However, many more great news

Worth an article – my February 2010 tweets Read More »

IEA believes carbon capture and storage is crucial

The International Energy Agency recently released a report on how carbon capture and storage (CCS) could account for 19 percent of the greenhouse gases emissions cuts needed by 2050. The IEA specialists believe Mankind would need to install up to 3,000 plants by 2050. This however might prove to be a problem as CCS is

IEA believes carbon capture and storage is crucial Read More »

Carbon Capture and Storage works !

Alstom and various US partners have been testing carbon capture on a small Wisconsin coal-fired plant. After a year of testing, this pilot project is a success as 90 percent of carbon dioxide was captured. The French company is willing to commercialize CCS for new and existing coal fired plants as early as 2015. But

Carbon Capture and Storage works ! Read More »

Why CCS won’t solve the climate change problem

The French magazine Science et Vie published this month a most interesting article on why Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) won’t be able to deliver all its promises of mitigating climate change. Indeed to many international scientific experts putting carbon to the ground is too risky, too expansive, too little and… too late ! This

Why CCS won’t solve the climate change problem Read More »