
Economic turmoil and sustainable investments

With the economic turmoil around the world and a crisis dubbed as the largest one since 1929, it is normal to wonder if sustainable investments and clean technologies will be hit. EcoGeek – a reference website on all green technologies, gizmos and investments – proposed an article last week that allow us to better grasp

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A new MIT technology to produce hydrogen

I never have been a fan of hydrogen-based energy solutions. Indeed, using energy to produce hydrogen that will produce electricity seems a tad too complex. This may change with Professor Daniel Nocera from the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who found a fantastic solution to produce Hydrogen in a much more efficient way. This

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Smart meters lead to smart behaviors

Since the writing of my Master’s Degree thesis I am fully aware of how insulating housing is a vital part of solving both climate change and energy scarcity crises. By reading a New York Times’ article I learned that halving houses’ carbon footprint in only five years is feasible. This is the result of an

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Can the USA get 100 % of their electricity by clean energies ?

If you don’t read US environmental blogs, you may not know that yesterday Al Gore issued a speech that may become as historical as JFK’s one on sending a man on the Moon. Indeed, the former Vice President proposes to produce a 100 percent of the country’s electricity by low carbon energies within ten years.

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T Boone Pickens’ energy plan

As I was mentioning in Monday’s article, the US billionaire T Boone Pickens issued a most impressive plan on energy independence for the United States of America. Mainly based on the massive use of wind energy, alongside with solar, this plan might bring huge changes in the United States’ energy mix and greenhouse gases emissions.

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90 percent of Israeli households have solar water heaters

An information that really caught my eyes in my RSS feeds is the fact that 90 percent of Israeli houses have a solar water heater. This is a huge percentage. It can be explained by the interest of the local government for this energy source as early as the 1950s. In 1983, up to 60

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The United Kingdom’s renewable energies plan

After India’s plan on climate change last week, the United Kingdom announced  a plan due expand in an important way the use of renewable energies. Up to 7,000 wind turbines – including 3,000 offshore – will be installed by 2020 in order to multiply by a factor ten the importance of these energies in the

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Investments in renewable energies are booming

According to the UNEP, multiple factors are benefiting renewable energies as world investment in this sector rose by 60 percent in 2007 compared to 2006. Investment reached last year $148 billion (93 billion euros) and this trend is most likely to continue as forecasts mention $600 billion per year by 2020. As we can see,

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China: the red giant goes green

I was reporting it last week, China now surpasses the United States as the first greenhouse gases emitter. It accounts for 24 percent of global greenhouse gases. Meanwhile, pollutions of all kinds are soaring in the country. To put an end to all this, the Beijing government is moving towards a greener country. The French

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