Climate change

Whatever concerns Climate change goes here…

I avoided a tonne of CO2 emissions this year

This year I avoided the emission of more than a tonne of carbon dioxide – more likely 1,500 kilograms – by simply taking the train on various occasions like business or leisure trips. Fast trains in France –  like the TGV on the left – are powered by electricity, which is 90% low carbon. Relatively […]

I avoided a tonne of CO2 emissions this year Read More »

Obama’s environment dream team: Steven Chu

I described Barack Obama’s election as a new hope for a planet in peril. This couldn’t be more true as the President-elect chose real scientists to run the environment and energies agencies. This is a stark difference with President Bush’s policies and environmental record. But a fact was little noticed: Dr. Steven Chu, the new

Obama’s environment dream team: Steven Chu Read More »

Decreasing amounts of snow in the Himalayas

One of the most worrying consequences of climate change is the decreasing amounts of snow. At the end of winters, snow melts and  thus brings water to billions people during the drier seasons. Thus the snow of the Himalayas brings water to nearly 1.5 billion people, a quarter of Mankind. As climate change increases dramatically

Decreasing amounts of snow in the Himalayas Read More »

Why the Poznan conference is a disappointment

The Poznan conference on climate change ended on Saturday. Due to prepare the Copenhagen meeting – which will bring to light the successor of the Kyoto Protocol – it is a major disappointment. Poor countries are the least satisfied with the results of the talks as developed nations are stepping back concerning the financial aides

Why the Poznan conference is a disappointment Read More »

China is moving on climate change

According to Associated Press, China is increasingly aware of the threats of climate change, water crises and air pollution. This is palpable at the current Poznan talks. More willing than ever to cooperate on mitigating the phenomenon, the top greenhouse gases emitter and world’s most populous nation will become greener in the next years. This could

China is moving on climate change Read More »

Do our leaders care about the environment?

Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is not satisfied by the lack of attention given to environmental and social issues at the current Poznan talks. I was right in my article on sustainable development, our leaders only think about the economy, the economy and the economy. Climate change is

Do our leaders care about the environment? Read More »

Poll: the environment is more important than the economy

According to a poll carried out and published by the HSBC Climate Partnership, 43 percent of people believes that climate change is a bigger problem than the economy. This survey also highlights how the public of the largest countries (including the USA and China) want their governments to act fast and big on climate change.

Poll: the environment is more important than the economy Read More »

Climate change keeps on accelerating

Just after I published an article on how many islands around the world are due to disappear because of climate change, the WWF brings us more data on this very topic. To their latest studies, it seems that global warming is accelerating as time goes and thus the threat of rising sea levels increases dramatically.

Climate change keeps on accelerating Read More »

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