Climate change

Whatever concerns Climate change goes here…

UN versus US views on climate change mitigation

Last week, the United States announced that they are willing to mitigate global warming by setting voluntary goals. Meanwhile many countries – including the European Union – met within the United Nations to tackle the future of the Kyoto Protocol. So is it good or bad news ? As we will see in this article, …

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Launch of the Global Climate Change Alliance

The European Union will give a minimum of 50 million € (and up to 300 million) between 2008 and 2010 to developing countries. This will be done in order to enable these countries to cope with climate change related events and to reduce both local poverty and greenhouse gases emissions. Actions will notably include the …

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Sources d’énergie et émissions de gaz à effet de serre

Comme je l’annonçais précédemment, je voulais faire depuis le début de ce blog un article sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre selon les différentes sources d’énergie. Afin d’être le plus impartial que possible, j’ai décidé d’utiliser trois différentes sources d’information. (MAJ le 18/09/07) Alors, quelle est la solution qui émet le plus …

Sources d’énergie et émissions de gaz à effet de serre Read More »

Climat, 10 raisons d’espérer

C’est le titre du dossier de Terra Economica ce mois-ci. M’étant enfin abonné à la version papier de ce fantastique magazine j’ai pu lire l’intégralité de cet article. 10 raisons d’espérer ? Oui car la prise de conscience prend lieu et la situation bouge dans le bon sens dans de nombreux domaines. Terra Economica le …

Climat, 10 raisons d’espérer Read More »

APEC agrees on climate change

Last week, the countries of the Asia Pacific region (APEC) committed themselves to curb their greenhouse gases emissions by working on energy efficiency, renewables and the management of forests. A good news as this group of countries holds 41 percent of the population and comprises the United States and China, the world top greenhouse gases …

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Toyota and EDF to propose electric cars

The car maker Toyota and the French company EDF will soon propose a network of plug-in points and sockets to fill up hybrid cars with electricity. French electricity is mostly carbon dioxide free (78 percent of nuclear and 10 percent hydro), so electric cars would prove to be a good thing to mitigate climate change. …

Toyota and EDF to propose electric cars Read More »

Résumé du mois d’août 2007

Le mois dernier fut marqué par de nombreux évènements en relation avec l’énergie, le changement climatique et le développement durable. On a parlé notamment du regain d’intérêt du nucléaire avec les Etats-Unis et l’Inde qui veulent construire des dizaines de réacteurs et d’un projet des Nations Unies qui a permis de planter des millions d’arbres …

Résumé du mois d’août 2007 Read More »

Would peak oil solve the climate change problem ?

This was the question David Straham asked himself on his blog. I already talked about him when I reviewed his oil depletion atlas. (cf. Peak oil is near… around 2015 ! ) Unlike what one might think, the depletion of oil resources aren’t due to solve global warming, but is more likely to increase it. …

Would peak oil solve the climate change problem ? Read More »

UN prepare the negotiations of after Kyoto

The United Nations met last week in Vienna and agreed on recognizing the target set by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). They thus made the first step toward action. The target agreed upon mentions a decrease of 25 to 40 percent of global greenhouse gases by 2020. This meeting was preparing the Bali …

UN prepare the negotiations of after Kyoto Read More »

Air transportation and climate change

Some time ago, I added to the sidebar the RSS feeds of the Business of green blog, from the IHT. It recently asked a question, what should the aviation industry do in order to limit its greenhouse gases emissions ? A question of importance, as air transportation is increasing in importance and so do its …

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