
News on greenhouse gases emissions in China

For the past days I collected four articles on Chinese greenhouse gases emissions. It begun with a single tweet on October 23 reporting that they could double by 2030 if nothing was done. Then, the WWF issued a report on the external cost of coal burning in China which is estimated to $250 billion (200 […]

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Why clean coal is nowhere near happening

Some are trying to convince the public that clean coal is the ultimate solution to all our needs. Even if I already stated my opinion on what I consider as the panacea, I will rebut their arguments. Clean Technica outlined no less than five reasons why clean coal will never happen, or if it would

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Cutting fossil fuels subsidies to cut emissions

The UNEP issued an interesting report on how cutting the subsidies given to big oil and coal companies would cut by up to six percent per year global greenhouse gases emissions. Up to 300 billions USD (around 200 billion euros) are spent annually on subsidies for the energy sector, all of them being benefiting in

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Coal demand is increasing and due to keep on doing so

You perhaps think that with the rise of renewable energies and the new era of nuclear power, coal demand is decreasing and that this energy will soon be a relic of the past ? Sorry to disappoint you, but according to Clean Technica, the reverse is occurring as to them : ” coal demand is

Coal demand is increasing and due to keep on doing so Read More »

Top NASA official warns on climate change

James Hansen, a top NASA official famous for his speech twenty years ago on global warming strikes back. His first discourse rose awareness on climate change in the United States. In his anniversary speech, he stated that large oil and coal companies would commit crimes against Humanity and Nature if they continued emitting important amounts

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Two news on Chinese energy for the price of one

Both the Financial Times and the Worldwatch Institute provided me monday with interesting data and news on the Chinese energy market. Good news : the country is willing to get 30% of its electricity via renewables by 2050. Bad news : the growth of energy consumption last year was of 16.2 percent. This wouldn’t be

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More and more tests of Carbon Capture and Storage

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of the main solutions to decrease the greenhouse gases emissions of coal-fired plants. However there is no commercial application yet, but several programs are on their way in North America, Europe or China. The oil-producing countries from the OPEC also plan to work on this technology as it

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