
Developing nations to cut emissions

India, the most populated nation and largest democracy announced it would cut its greenhouse gases emissions by 20 to 25 percent by 2020 or 2030. As you can see, the targets are very wide. This happens as China decided to cuts the carbon intensity of its growth by 40 to 45 percent by 2020. CleanTechies […]

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Europe to go beyond its Kyoto Protocol goals

The European Union 15 first members already achieved their Kyoto Protocol goals and will even go beyond. Meanwhile, the 27 members already cut their emissions by 13.6 percent. These excellent results date of 2007. With the economic recession of the past months, the industrial activity have drastically decreased and thus the emissions and thus slashed

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Copenhagen conference will most likely fail

It was yesterday’s main news on the environmental front : the Copenhagen climate conference will most likely end up in a failure. We were first hopeful, then we were fearing a stalemate last week. And now this… It begun on Sunday in the Financial Times as Obama ruled out Copenhagen treaty and ruling out any

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Brazil to cut greenhouse gases emissions by 36%

Since the country announced earlier this year that its deforestation decreased by 46 percent and as its population is taking global warming seriously the government unveiled very ambitious goals for 2020. Indeed, to Reuters and several other sources the country is willing to cut its emissions by a massive 36 percent minimum and even offered

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Towards a stalemate in Copenhagen ?

Even if the United States are going forward on climate change, many analysts around the world believe the COP 15 meeting in Copenhagen next month will end up in a stalemate. As China and India are stepping up to the climate change issue and as Europe is – albeit moderately ambitious goals – still leading,

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IEA publishes its World Energy Outlook 2009

The International Energy Agency published today it’s annual World Energy Outlook. The 2009 version is even more urging action on climate change than the previous version. As Reuters noted in its article : ” The world will have to spend an extra $500 billion to cut carbon emissions for each year it delays implementing a

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India and China to cooperate on climate change

As Bloomberg noted : ” China and India’s joint plan to cut greenhouse-gas emissions gives the developing world an alternative to the climate treaty that wealthier nations want them to sign in Copenhagen, analysts said.” “Asia’s two biggest polluters from burning carbon-based fuels announced their collaboration on renewable power and energy-efficiency projects in a memo

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Does the European Union really leads on climate ?

Some six weeks ahead of Copenhagen, the Guardian published an article on how the European Union believes it is taking the lead on climate change mitigation. At first I was quite optimistic with the title. However there is nothing new: the EU is still willing to cut by 20 percent its emissions by 2020 and

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We now need war time effort at war time speed

During World War II, posters were advocating a series of efforts to civilian populations to conserve energy. Similarly cars industries were producing tanks. What was done in the US in the 1940s now has to be done on a global scale. Avoiding catastrophic climate change now needs war time effort at war time speed. Governments,

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Norway to cut its emissions by 40 percent

After the United Kingdom which pledged to cut its greenhouse gases emissions by 34 percent by 2020 and Japan by 25 percent, Norway is another country to pledge to drastic emissions cuts. Meanwhile, the European Union still clings to cuts from 20 to 30 percent if other major emitters join them. It would be nice

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