European Union

World Bank advocates climate-smart action and cleantech

So you thought avoiding climate change by investing massively into cleantech would be bad for economic growth and GDP ? Please pray do read on and share. As Euractiv noted : ” Global economic output could rise by as much as an additional $2.6 trillion (€1.9tn) a year, or 2.2%, by 2030 if government policies …

World Bank advocates climate-smart action and cleantech Read More »

6.5 million people ( and I )

This is the amount of people that are currently working in the renewable energy industries according to a recent report from the IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency ) Bioenergy ( everything from liquid biofuels to modern biomass and biogas ) have the largest contingency with 2.5 million people (with 1.4 million, 0.8 million and 0.3 …

6.5 million people ( and I ) Read More »

European Union gets 23.4% of electricity from renewables

Here is another article on Cleantechies focusing on another success story, but this time a European one as clean energy sources are pursuing their rise. The energy transition is slowly taking place. Here is the introduction : ” According to official statistics from Eurobserv’ER, 23.4 percent of the electricity in the European Union came from …

European Union gets 23.4% of electricity from renewables Read More »

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