
France studying carbon tax introduction

I have the pleasure to announce you that my second article for CleanTechies have been published. After writing about the wind energy sector in France, this one is about the future carbon tax. Here is a short extract: ” France is currently thinking of enacting a carbon tax to increase climate change mitigation efforts. If […]

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The Grenelle could create up to 600,000 jobs

Les Echos [Fr], the French leading financial newspaper brought my attention to a study published by the Boston Consulting Group stating that the Grenelle de l’environnement could create up to 600,000 jobs in France in the very next years. The majority of the job creations are due to occur in the building sector as up

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French carbon tax delayed to 2011

To the AFP:  ” The French government on Wednesday kickstarted plans for a so-called carbon tax on energy-hungry products, to be rolled out by 2011 as part of France’s efforts to slash global warming emissions. “ (…) ”  President Nicolas Sarkozy’s government has said it hopes to shift part of French taxes from labour towards

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Solar PV to provide 300 MW to France by 2011

Last week Jean-Louis Borloo, the French energy and environment Minister, launched a plan that will quadruple the amount of electricity provided by solar photovoltaïc in order to reach 300 MW by 2011. This is great news as investing 1.5 billion euros ($2 billion) in solar PV is the right move for France to enable local

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Bike sharing around the world

I recently read a couple of interesting facts on bike sharing around the world. Since this transportation mean is the epitome of sustainable development I thought I might share them with you. Montreal launched  last week Bixi, the largest program of its kind in North America with 3,000 bikes for 300 stations. In the United

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Why this recession may be good for us

No, I am not thinking that unemployment is good. It ain’t, and I know about it as I am myself currently seeking employment. However, this recession is the occasion for us to embrace a more sustainable development. Less money means we have to reduce the amount of stuff we buy and focus back more on

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A zero-interest rate loan for housing renovation

For my 500th post on this blog, I would like to bring you good news. The decision taken last week within the Grenelle de l’Environnement is a huge leap forward towards sustainability of housing. Indeed, the French government will launch in April an eco loan of up to 30,000 €  ($37,600) with no interest rate

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Further to the Lyon renewable energies fair

I was on Thursday and Saturday at the renewable energies fair in Lyon. This was an excellent occasion to meet professionals in solar energies, wood energy and insulating materials. I was very pleased to note that many companies are currently hiring in France or in Europe. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised

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Why the Grenelle is a disappointment

On October 2007, the newly elected French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced after weeks of talks an important series of measures to make France a more sustainable country. This was the Grenelle de l’Environnement. But after months, only one conclusion comes to mind: the Grenelle is a disappointment, and this even with the billions of investments

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