
Renewables provide 20 % of German electricity

This has made quite the headlines on environmental blogs and newspapers. As TreeHugger puts it : ” Germany now produces 20.8% of its electricity from renewable sources. That’s an increase of 15 percentage points since 2000 “ Now, let’s congratulate the main European economic powerhouse for that. The Germans truly deserve it and we got […]

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Arctic sea ice sets new record low in 2011

This is not surprising as I was blogging about it two months ago. To TreeHugger : ” After several months of reporting near-record or record monthly levels of Arctic sea ice melting, German researchers now report that a new yearly record low has been set.” ” The area covered by Arctic sea ice has declined

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An electric car goes 1,600 km on a single charge

Is this the car of tomorrow ? Gas 2.0 published an article on an electric car that did more than 1,600 kilometers (a thousand miles) with a single charge. The top speed was less than 50 kilometers per hour. As they note : ” The record for longest drive ever in a battery-powered vehicle (no

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Poland and Lithuania are thinking about nuclear

While the decisions of both Germany and Switzerland to stop using nuclear made headlines, little has been written about Poland ‘s thinking about building two nuclear reactors, which would be build by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy. The reactors could go online in 2020 if an agreement was signed in 2014. The capacity would reach 3,000

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D-Light, data through illumination

To GOOD : ” One German physicist, Harald Haas, has come up with a solution he calls “data through illumination” (…) by sending data through an LED lightbulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow.” ” It’s the same idea behind infrared remote controls, but far more powerful. Haas says his

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Renewables deliver 20% of global electricity

To the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century and their latest Global Status Report : ” In 2010, renewable energy supplied an estimated 16% of global final energy consumption and delivered close to 20% of global electricity.” ” Renewable capacity now comprises about a quarter of total global power-generating capacity. (…) Global solar PV production

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European forests are growing

According to Terra Daily : ” Europe’s forests have expanded over the past 20 years and are thus absorbing more carbon dioxide, a report published in Oslo Tuesday showed, offering some good news in the battle to limit climate change. ” ” According to the report published during a ministerial conference on the protection of

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No (good) news from the Bonn Climate Talks

Here we go again… New climate talks, same disappointment. Preliminary talks took place in Bonn, Germany, to discuss the future of the Kyoto Protocol, which will end next year. To the Guardian, the negotiations aren’t progressing : Even if they are making progress on ” technical issues “, countries are ” still nowhere near agreement

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A dry and hot April over Europe

France and the whole European continent are currently at risk of a huge drought as little to no rain fell in April. This could have serious implications for harvests as Bloomberg notes : European wheat and rapeseed crops are “in jeopardy” after an “incredibly dry” April, agricultural weather forecaster said. (…) Wheat and rapeseed in

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