
60 years ago, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated

On January 30th 1948, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as the Mahatma or Bapu (Father), was assassinated. 60 years later, India is paying homage to the father of the country and some of his ashes are scattered in the Arabian sea near Mumbaï. I never speak about news events, but as I studied enough the […]

60 years ago, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated Read More »

The Nano, a really small and efficient car by Tata

The Indian conglomerate Tata is launching today the world cheapest car, the Nano. For the equivalent of 1,700 € (or 2,500 USD), Tata proposes a very energy efficient car. With a mileage of 70 miles per gallon (4 litres for 100 km), this car have a huge market potential as only seven million Indians own

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How to grow more rice with less water

Rice is the most consumed cereal in the world and is the base of food for half the world population. It is also very water intensive. Meanwhile, water scarcity problems are already increasing in India and China, and will increase even more with climate change. So when the WWF writes a report on a method

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The thirty most polluted places in the world

The Blacksmith Institute, an environmental NGO from the United States, released this month a report on the 30 most polluted places on Earth. Of the top ten, two are located in China, two in India, two in Russia and another two in the former Soviet bloc. Among the locations is Chernobyl in Ukraine. As we

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On July 31st, ten millions of trees were planted in India

As I mentioned it there, the Chinese government is planting billion of trees. It seems that similar projects are under way in India and elsewhere. According to the United Nations Environment Program more than 10 million trees were planted on July 31st by 600,000 people in Uttar Pradesh. As deforestation accounts for a fifth of

On July 31st, ten millions of trees were planted in India Read More »

India to build more nuclear plants

India, the largest democracy in the world, is currently building six reactors and plans to build nearly twenty more by the year 2020. To do so, the country will rely on foreign technology and companies like the French Areva or the US Westinghouse are beginning negotiations to enter this huge market. This is done to

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