
India will invest 2.3 trillion in low carbon tech

A while ago TreeHugger wrote a compelling article on how India is committed to low carbon growth and energy sources. The local environment Minister, Mr. Jairam Ramesh stated in an interview given to Reuters : “We will unilaterally, voluntarily, move on a low-carbon growth path. We can’t have 8-9% GDP growth and high-carbon growth. It […]

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A solar energy boom in rural Asia

I really like the New York Times and its international edition, the International Herald Tribune. It gives a formidable insight on both today’s and tomorrow’s world. Today’s issue got two interesting articles. Today’s first article that caught my attention was about a solar boom in Asia. Indeed, the demand  for solar photovoltaic is due to

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China has per capita emissions higher than France

This was a shock to me. To TreeHugger : ” According to an assessment of per capita carbon emissions by the Netherlands Environmental Agency, China now emits on a per person basis more than France. ” While emissions in France in 2009 were 6 tons, those in China were 6.1 tons -up from 2.2 tons

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The top 10 coal-burning countries

We all know it : coal is by far the most greenhouse gases emitting energy source. It is also a major air pollutant. For these two reasons it is the environmental enemy #1. (cf The Economist’s cover, back to 2002) However, many countries like China, India, Germany or the United States are still relying importantly

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Worth an article – my April 2010 tweets

I have been committed for three years to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector. However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. However, many more great news

Worth an article – my April 2010 tweets Read More »

How coal-fired plants are causing cancers

I really believe coal should go away as it is the most greenhouse gases emitting and most polluting energy source. I am really glad France decided to step away from it and chose nuclear instead. The Huffington Post published last week an article on how coal-fired plants are causing cancer cases to people and even

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Who’s winning the clean energy race ?

The PEW environment group published a fantastic study on the cleantech investment in the G20 in 2009. The largest economies, both developped and developping are very different in this economic sector. China overtook the United States in cleantech investments with more than $34 billion while the latter dedicated less than $19 billion. The European Union

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Can China build three fast rail transcontinental networks ?

While reading CleanTechnica I came across a tremendously huge project : link via high speed rail Asia and Europe. This network would enable to go from London to Beijing in only two days. Within ten years, the three networks would transport people and goods alike and would link 17 nations – including India, Singapore, Vietnam,

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India planted over two billion trees since 2007

According to the United Nations’ Billion Tree Campaign, India planted two billion trees since 2007. This brings the amounts of trees planted globally to no less than ten billion. These are fantastic news ! At the beginning of this project, the UNEP wanted to plant a billion trees. This was at the time a very

India planted over two billion trees since 2007 Read More »

A 13 GW project of wind and solar for India

This week was unveiled what is perhaps to date the largest renewable energies project in the world. Indeed, an Indian company – Airvoice Group – plans to build 10 GW of  solar PV capacity and three GW of wind power. All these capacities are due to be built on various sites within the decade in

A 13 GW project of wind and solar for India Read More »