
Afforestation projects you should know about

Instead of writing about Earth Day – I consider the issue is too important to have only a day or a week as to me every day is Earth Day – I would like to present you a few afforestation projects. The Figaro Magazine from France presented a series of articles presenting afforestation projects in […]

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Why solar cookers really matter

One of the main causes of climate change is fuelwood collection for cooking as the New York Times noted that “soot from tens of thousands of villages in developing countries is responsible for 18 percent of the planet’s warming“. Furthermore, deforestation aggravates poverty in many ways as soils deprived from their forests loose their nutrients

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India goes deeper into climate change mitigation

To my regret, I don’t write much on how India is willing to mitigate climate change as I lack information. But today’s the occasion to repair this as I came across two different articles on how the world’s largest democracy is working on this issue. The country will indeed replace by 2012 400 millions of

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Water scarcity in South Asia

The latest UNEP publication is stressing the importance of water issues in South Asia (from Iran to India and Bangladesh), a region accounting for a fourth of human population but only a twentieth of the planet’s freshwater resources. Among the main threats are over-exploitation, pollution, high population growth and the lack of cooperation between neighboring

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Decreasing amounts of snow in the Himalayas

One of the most worrying consequences of climate change is the decreasing amounts of snow. At the end of winters, snow melts and  thus brings water to billions people during the drier seasons. Thus the snow of the Himalayas brings water to nearly 1.5 billion people, a quarter of Mankind. As climate change increases dramatically

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Huge air pollution: atmospheric brown clouds

I already wrote about how air pollution in China is a major issue as it kills thousands of people. Little did I know that this problem is far worse than I previously reported and that it is spreading. Indeed atmospheric brown clouds are increasing throughout Asia and are also seen in Europe or in the

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Three exciting news on solar energies

In less than two days I came across three exciting news on how both solar thermal and photovoltaïc are moving toward worldwide in many ways. With today’s article we will go from the United States to Germany and we will conclude with India. We will tackle both markets and technological issues. These energies are still

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India announces its first climate change mitigation plan

The government of the world’s largest democracy announced this week it’s first plan ever to mitigate climate change and to move toward a more sustainable development. This is great news. However, there are no real targets in any specific subject such as renewable energies – with a specific mention of solar – water, agriculture and

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G8 countries to cut oil consumption

Yesterday, the eight leading economies met in Japan, alongside with China, India and South Korea. One of the main topics of discussion was the soaring prices of oil and energy. To counter this, they pledged to invest massively in energy efficiency and low carbon technologies such as renewable energies, nuclear and carbon capture and storage

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EU pushes countries to tackle climate change

According to the International Herald Tribune, the European Union is willing to involve the most polluting countries in the mitigation of climate change. To do this, it might implement commercial sanctions to non signatory countries of international agreements. Among these countries are the United States and China. This might be a serious drive for these

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