
Saving rainforests with the UN-REDD program

While in the train going to Paris to attend the Green Job forum I read an interesting article on how banking on trees could enable us to fight off climate change and give money to enable developing nations to protect their forests. The United Nations REDD program – Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation […]

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Developing nations to cut emissions

India, the most populated nation and largest democracy announced it would cut its greenhouse gases emissions by 20 to 25 percent by 2020 or 2030. As you can see, the targets are very wide. This happens as China decided to cuts the carbon intensity of its growth by 40 to 45 percent by 2020. CleanTechies

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The Billion Tree Campaign is a huge success

The UNEP Billion Tree Campaign‘s goal was to plant seven billion trees before the Copenhagen meeting in December. To today’s news the goal was reached as China planted 2.6 billion trees to support the campaign. This shows at least two things : when China starts on something, it is unstoppable. The country’s efforts on climate

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Rain forests suffer from climate change

Rain forests around the world already suffer largely from deforestation. Now, another large threat is appearing as climate change leads to less water and thus less trees. Both the Indonesian and the Amazonian rain forests are at threat. This phenomenon will lead to even more climate change. This article will show how critical sound forests

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Are biofuels a solution or a (huge) problem ?

I have been willing to write an article on biofuels for now more than a year, and the so-called panacea they represent to some people. Today the famous company Nestlé provided me a great occasion to do so as according to its CEO, biofuels are planting the seeds of famine. This is quite shocking as

Are biofuels a solution or a (huge) problem ? Read More »