Marine energy

Lockeed Martin to develop marine energies

What if companies which were making until now weapons decided to dedicate themselves to cleantech ? An example of this came from my friend Olivier Jacquemet and his great blog, Echo Sierra : ” (…) Lockheed Martin is developing its portfolio. Indeed, the defence firm signed with the Australian company Victorian Wave Partners in February to engineer

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Tapping into local renewables : the Côte d’Opale

A couple of weeks ago I went to Boulogne sur Mer and visited the marvellous Côte d’Opale. I had two great summer days between Boulogne and Calais and strongly recommend this little trip if you are looking for enchanting places. A thing that struck me there is the quantity of wind there is almost all

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The ten most promising cleantechs

The Guardian Sustainable Business blog published last week an interesting post on the ten most promising future cleantechs. I have to admit I am not sure all of them really are as I spotted at least one odd out. Indeed, even if algae, zinc air batteries, organic solar cells or marine energy and most other

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A third form of marine energy : OTEC

According to GreenTech Media, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion is after wave and tidal energies the third form of ocean power. Albeit it was discovered a century ago, there have been few attempts at tapping this energy source. To Wikipedia, OTEC ” uses the temperature difference that exists between deep and shallow waters to run a heat

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Scotland to harness 1.2 GW of marine energy

Scotland announced last week that 1.2 GW of tidal and wave energy capacity would be built there by 2020. To achieve this, 10 projects will be started and will be the first commercial applications of these energy sources. Scotts are determine to have 31 percent of their electricity coming from renewables by 2011 and are willing

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Vivace, another renewable energy source

After my writing of two articles on renewable energy sources from the oceans in October, here comes VIVACE or vortex-induced vibrations for aquatic clean energy. According to an interesting article by The Telegraph, this prototype could enable us to harness some energy from our rivers and waterbeds around the world. The potential is huge as

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More data on energy sources from the oceans

Only two days after my first article on the various possibilities of harnessing a part of the tremendous energy from our oceans, GreenTech Media provides us with more on this topic. This article focuses forecasting the future of this particular market segment. With less than 10 MW currently installed, experts believe installed power could reach

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