Montreal Protocol

Hydrofluorocarbons could be phased out soon

According to the White House website : “ the United States and China will work together and with other countries to use the expertise and institutions of the Montreal Protocol to phase down the consumption and production of hydrofluorocarbons “ Now that’s some good news are HFCs are very potent greenhouse gases. As Bloomberg noted

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Celebrating the 25 years of The Montreal Protocol

Despite all the gloom and doom of current events, there are reasons to celebrate, and to hope as the Montreal Protocol turned 25. This was at the time – and it still is – a huge success on environmental and climate issues. Indeed, the World Bank noted that ” The Montreal Protocol, by controlling the consumption

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The hole in the ozone layer starts diminishing

According to the UNEP : ” International efforts to protect the ozone layer are a success and have stopped additional ozone losses and contributed to mitigating the greenhouse effect.” I believe we should capitalize on the success governments around the world achieved in 1987. We should do something for the 25th anniversary and go further

The hole in the ozone layer starts diminishing Read More »

The motivating example of the Montreal Protocol

In 1988 was signed the Montreal Protocol, which restricted the use of CFC – ChloroFluoroCarbons – gases that harm the ozone layer, our sole protection against UV rays. To the NASA this was a tremendous success as large troubles have been avoided. Without this success, our world could suffer of massive DNA mutations induced by

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