
Nordic countries are committed to climate action

In the last few days Nordic countries have been making the climate headlines twice and both moves are interesting and show a real commitment towards slashing emissions and increasing sustainbility. The first move was done by Finland as the country is willing to purely and simply abandon using coal by 2025. This energy source is

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CO2 concentration reaches 400 ppm

This is historical : carbon dioxide concentration has reached in several places over the arctic a concentration of 400 parts per million. This doesn’t seem to be much, but pre-industrial levels were of 280 ppm. As you might remember, the safe level is considered by the scientific community to be at 350 ppm. CO2 concentration

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Great astrophotographies – November 2010

This is time for me to present my selection of the best pictures of the NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD). As always, here is my selection of the ten best pictures of last month. Today’s picture : ” On Reunion Island, it is known simply as “The Volcano.” To others, it is known

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Recycling by the numbers

The New Ecologist proposes a series of interesting figures on recycling. Here are some of them : The recycling industry is worth $160 billion and employs globally 15 million people. Recycling aluminium needs only five percent of the energy needed to mine and refine the same quantity of new aluminium. The top 5 recycling countries

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Norway to cut its emissions by 40 percent

After the United Kingdom which pledged to cut its greenhouse gases emissions by 34 percent by 2020 and Japan by 25 percent, Norway is another country to pledge to drastic emissions cuts. Meanwhile, the European Union still clings to cuts from 20 to 30 percent if other major emitters join them. It would be nice

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Floating wind turbine may be a game changer

Offshore wind energy may soon change thanks to a new kind of turbines that literally floats on water. The first 2.3 MW prototype was installed 10 kilometers off the Norwegian coasts on June 8th. Developed jointly by Siemens and StatoilHydro the Hywind windmill can be located where seas depths reach from 120 to 700 meters,

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Norway to become climate neutral by 2050

We stay in the arctic region as today’s article is on Norway which expressed its willingness to become totally climate neutral by 2050. Being climate neutral means that one country – or one person – does not emit any greenhouse gases or when it does, offset its emissions. In this article I will have a

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