Nuclear renaissance

The end of nuclear waste ? Part II

Last week I wrote about a technology that decreases the amount of radioactive waste by hybridizing fission and fusion. Now comes another breakthrough as TerraPower prepares to launch reactors using depleted uranium. Such material would lead to lower risks of nuclear proliferation. Additionally, the amount of uranium on Earth could last centuries or even millennium […]

The end of nuclear waste ? Part II Read More »

Could fusion be a solution to our problems ?

Even if energy efficiency is today’s best solution to all our climate change and energy scarcity problems  (see why), I was thinking that I never wrote here about fusion, the future of nuclear energy. Due to be environmentally friendly and even safer than current nuclear with fission, fusion will provides us tremendous amounts of energy

Could fusion be a solution to our problems ? Read More »

A new nuclear era in the United States

After several countries in Europe – Switzerland, Italy, the United Kingdom, France or Russia – it seems that the United States are also willing to build new nuclear plants. It is not entirely new as I was mentioning it earlier, but this times actual developments are witnessed. A most interesting article on Dot Earth sums

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