
China could introduce a carbon tax in 2015

China is facing a grim future because of climate change, massive pollutions and increasing prices of fossil fuels. To curb its booming energy consumption, it may soon introduce a carbon tax. As China Daily noted : ” China is considering levying a carbon tax within the next three years to tighten its regulations on polluting […]

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Air pollution costs billions to the European Union

Here is my latest post on Cleantechies :  “The European Environment Agency published in November a report on the cost, the toll, of air pollution due to industrial facilities to the European Union. “ ” And the costs are staggering as the 10,000 facilities induced up to 102 and 169 billion euros in 2009 alone.

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Climate change : China faces a grim future

To Reuters quoting a local scientific report : ” Global warming threatens China’s march to prosperity by cutting crops, shrinking rivers and unleashing more droughts and floods. “ “China faces extremely grim ecological and environmental conditions under the impact of continued global warming and changes to China’s regional environment,” Given how the situation is dire

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Chevron to pay $18 billion to Ecuador

To Reuters : ” An Ecuadorean appeals court on Tuesday upheld a ruling that Chevron Corp should pay $18 billion in damages to plaintiffs who accused the U.S. oil giant of polluting the Amazon jungle and damaging their health. “ ” A judge ordered Chevron to pay $8.6 billion in environmental damages last February, but

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China to increase – again – its efforts

The situation is critical in the People’s Republic of China as everyday it is becoming more and more evident than business-as-usual scenario would doom the country, and the world. As the air pollution in Beijing is reaching truly horrifing levels the local government has called to ” reduce emissions of “major pollutants” by as much

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Nigeria, the world capital of oil pollution

To Climate Progress : “ Wednesday, Shell claimed responsibility for two oil spills dating to 2008 (which) are estimated to exceed the 11 million gallons spilled in the Exxon Valdez disaster. ”  (over 40 million liters) ” As a 2010 article by  the Guardian’s environment editor explained: With 606 oilfields, the Niger delta supplies 40%

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A globally significant risk of marine extinction

If my Wednesday post on the 19,000 endangered species didn’t put you down,  the findings of the International Programme on the State of the Oceans (ISPO) will. As the New York Times green blog notes : ” The state of the oceans is declining far more rapidly than most pessimists had expected, an international team

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IUCN : 19,000 endangered species

To TreeHugger : “ That’s a lot of species. And it’s roughly 9,000 more than were endangered just over ten years ago, in 2000. That’s the finding of the latest report from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).” ” There are now roughly 19,000 species that are currently threatened with extinction around

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Is climate change to blame for more tornadoes ?

To BusinessWeek : ” The tornado outbreak that killed 327 people in the Southeast last week may have been the largest in U.S. history, with an estimated 305 twisters, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said. “ “More than 600 tornadoes formed in all of April, compared with the previous record of 267 set in

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