
Why we can skip climate change mitigation to act

Further to an interesting article from the New Scientist on how we fail to act on climate change mitigation, I get to read that still many people are denying climate change. Indeed: Despite all this information (on climate change), opinion polls over the years have shown that 40 per cent of people in the UK […]

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The environment can recover from pollution

Thanks to CleanTechnica I discovered a fantastic study from Yale University explaining that even the most polluted ecosystems can recover within our lifetimes. This should be a major call for action to our governments. Even if this is very good news for the environment as a whole, this doesn’t include climate change as greenhouse gases have a

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Space debris are a danger for satellites

Mankind polluted Earth’s oceans and atmosphere in an impressive way. According to the European Space Agency (ESA) it also polluted space in such a way that it represents a danger for satellites for the next 10,000 years ! To their website: “Since 1957, more than 4,800 space launches have led to an on-orbit population today

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A massive coal sludge accident in Tennessee

I never have been a fan of coal as it is by very far the most carbon dioxide emitting energy solution. It is also the most polluting as what occurred on December 22nd  in Tennessee  shows. Indeed 48 times in volume of what was spilled by the Exxon Valdez was accidentally released over 160 hectares

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China is moving on climate change

According to Associated Press, China is increasingly aware of the threats of climate change, water crises and air pollution. This is palpable at the current Poznan talks. More willing than ever to cooperate on mitigating the phenomenon, the top greenhouse gases emitter and world’s most populous nation will become greener in the next years. This could

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Huge air pollution: atmospheric brown clouds

I already wrote about how air pollution in China is a major issue as it kills thousands of people. Little did I know that this problem is far worse than I previously reported and that it is spreading. Indeed atmospheric brown clouds are increasing throughout Asia and are also seen in Europe or in the

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Why clean coal is nowhere near happening

Some are trying to convince the public that clean coal is the ultimate solution to all our needs. Even if I already stated my opinion on what I consider as the panacea, I will rebut their arguments. Clean Technica outlined no less than five reasons why clean coal will never happen, or if it would

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We’re responsible for a third of China’s pollution

According to a previous article from TreeHugger, up to a third of China’s greenhouse gases emissions (and pollution) is due to the manufacturing of the goods we buy. So, if China became the world’s largest carbon dioxide emitter with a quarter of the total, it is partly because of us and our severe addiction to

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On the exploitation of oil shale and sands…

You think drilling for Arctic oil would be an ugly mess ? Then have a look at the exploitation of oil shales and tar-sands that is already occurring in Canada and the United States. The WWF released a new report on how recovering these difficultly recoverable oil barrels are literally destroying entire regions with massive

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