
Beijing Olympics and the fear of bad air quality

After the algae bloom come the worries on Beijing’s air quality. To improve this, the local government took a drastic measure : cars will be allowed to drive on alternate days. This measure is due to decrease by up to 60 percent the pollution of the 3.3 million cars of the city. Meanwhile, new subway […]

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China is facing increasing water crises

According to a recent article from the French daily Le Monde, China is experiencing more and more difficulties to answer its water needs as a severe drought strikes the country. This reinforces even more the problems of water scarcity and pollution that the People’s Republic is facing and one can ask how the Chinese will

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CARMA rates CO2 emissions of energy generation

Thanks to my good friend Etienne Schneider, I discovered a very interesting tool that rates the CO2 emissions due to the energy sector worldwide. CARMA (CArbon Monitoring for Action) provides reliable data on 50,000 plants and 4,000 energy companies. All this enable us to see which countries are the most polluting. CARMA is “produced and

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The thirty most polluted places in the world

The Blacksmith Institute, an environmental NGO from the United States, released this month a report on the 30 most polluted places on Earth. Of the top ten, two are located in China, two in India, two in Russia and another two in the former Soviet bloc. Among the locations is Chernobyl in Ukraine. As we

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Air pollution kills thousands every year in China

I came across a very disturbing fact via an article in the Financial Times. According to the World Bank, air and water pollution in Chinese large cities kill nearly 750.000 people every year. The government of the People’s Republic of China asked that a third of the report was erased in order to avoid “public

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Record pollution in China in 2006

Year 2006 broke several records for China. The first one is good news for this great country as its economic growth was of 10.7 percent, the most important for the past 15 years. The second one is very bad news as 2006 was the “darkest year” for pollution in the People’s Republic of China. The

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