
Worth an article – My March 2012 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector. However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are […]

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Sony slashed its emissions by 31% since 2000

To TreeHugger : ” Electronics giant Sony announced today that since 2000, it has achieved a 31 percent reduction in global CO2 emissions. The company boasts that means it surpassed its 2006 “Green Management” goal by 24 percent ” ” It did also achieve, though, a 54 percent reduction in waste generation (the goal was

Sony slashed its emissions by 31% since 2000 Read More »

How Germany recycles and reuses its waste

What struck me during my two stays in Germany is that recycling was already pretty important in everyday lives. Indeed, the country is already recycling or reusing 70 % of its waste. (the proportion in the United States is of only 33 %.) explains how the country achieved such a performance : “In 1996,

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Urban mining, or why mining landfills is good

I knew it all along ! As rare earths are more and more expensive and critically needed for our technological thirst, it is becoming economically viable to mine landfills and to recycle old appliances. As the New York Times indeed noted : ” This town’s hopes for a mining comeback lie not underground, but in

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Freshkills Park, and what it can teach us

While traveling at 220 km/h in the TGV between Nancy and Paris I read about the Fresh Kills landfill and how it became a beautiful park in Staten Island. This is a continuation of my previous post, Turning a landfill into a beautiful garden. Indeed Courrier International proposed last week the translation of the full

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Recycling by the numbers

The New Ecologist proposes a series of interesting figures on recycling. Here are some of them : The recycling industry is worth $160 billion and employs globally 15 million people. Recycling aluminium needs only five percent of the energy needed to mine and refine the same quantity of new aluminium. The top 5 recycling countries

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Water in Singapore : Conserve, Value, Enjoy

For this month’s article on CleanTechies we are moving from cleantech in France to focus on water management in Singapore as I read Erik Orsenna’s book on water. There are many interesting things to learn there. From massive rainwater harvesting to water treatment with 15 reservoirs and recycling and desalination, the island city covers 60

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Why recycling has a really bright future

With the prices of raw materials and oil going up the roof, recycling becomes increasingly interesting. By reading Green with a gun I found some most interesting data on that topic. Kyle quotes there a great article from The Times and give us as well more note worthy data and thoughts. This reminds me that

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