Solar PV

Parc photovoltaique en Alpes de Haute-Provence

La France doit (et peut) accélerer sur le solaire photovoltaïque

Après mon article d’introduction sur le biogaz, en voici un autre expliquant pourquoi je suis un grand défenseur du solaire photovoltaique. Alors qu’Emmanuel Macron a été réélu Président et dit vouloir accélérer la transition énérgétique, cette source d’énergie est la plus facilement déployable ainsi que la moins chère. Au niveau mondial, le photovoltaïque est en …

La France doit (et peut) accélerer sur le solaire photovoltaïque Read More »

Wind and solar are now cheaper than fossil fuels

For years, grid parity – the time when solar and wind would be cost-competitive with fossil fuels and nuclear – was the holy grail of renewables energy, a target to reach in a distant future. But the future is now. 

How to go solar with these two super tools

Years ago when Google Earth was launched, we were all amazed at the levels of details provided. It was just very impressive. Now Google does it again with a most interesting feature: Google Project Sunroof.

Global coal and oil use to peak in 2020

That’s it ! Renewable energy sources and electric vehicles are progressing so fast around the world that according to a new study coal and oil use could peak worldwide in as little as three years.

India and China go full speed against climate change

While the United States are wondering what will happen next on climate change mitigation in their country, both India and China have recently unvealed very ambitious targets to fight local air pollution and global climate change.

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