Solar thermal

Latin America moves forward on renewable energy

While I write mostly about the United States, Europe or China, a lot is happening in other regions of the world. An example of this is the growth of renewable energy sources in Latin America. Lately, I have come across a few large projects in this region. In Chile, a 300 MW solar project worth

Latin America moves forward on renewable energy Read More »

Solar to account for a third of energy by 2060

According to an International Energy Agency official, a third of ALL global energy needs could be answered by solar energies within the next five decades. (photovoltaic, concentrated and thermal) And this could be a low estimate : as Climate Progress notes : ” Solar is clearly proving itself without a price on carbon. With an

Solar to account for a third of energy by 2060 Read More »

Seven reasons to develop solar thermal

Cleantechies published last week a tremendous article on solar thermal and why it is “is about to see explosive growth”. I am not entirely surprised of that as I have been a strong advocate of this solution for more than five years. Presenting the industry, the article goes on and gives no less than seven

Seven reasons to develop solar thermal Read More »

Solar power plants face problems in California

During my daily hours of ride in the trains to go and come back from the job I read books but also newspapers. This allowed me to read a great article in the New York Times about an unexpected problem with solar power plants in California. ” Just weeks after regulators approved the last of

Solar power plants face problems in California Read More »

Thailand to install 4.300 MW of renewables

According to Renewable Energy World, Thailand is on its way to install more than four gigawatts of renewable energy capacity in the very next years thanks to an innovative feed-in tariffs system dedicated to small local projects. Solar thermal and biomass constitute the majority of projects with 1,400 MW and 2,100 MW respectively. Since the

Thailand to install 4.300 MW of renewables Read More »

China wants 500 GW of renewables by 2020

You know if you have been reading this blog for some time now : China is determined to become the leader on cleantech. But it’s not only about making money in tomorrow’s leading industry : it is also about the environment. Indeed, if China is investing $12 million each hour on cleantech, it is also

China wants 500 GW of renewables by 2020 Read More »