Towards sustainability

Towards sustainability: water

For the third installment of the series – see the previous articles on heating and electricity – I would like to propose you a selection of the best tips to help you to decrease your water consumption. Water scarcity is a major problem today as many countries and regions of the globe (South Asia, China, […]

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Towards sustainability: heating

Here is as planned my first article towards sustainability. Since heating is behind an important part of the energy consumption of buildings, this is where we begin. As insulation is quasi inexistent in most constructions they can be considered as thermal colanders. (expression coined by the French energy and environment Minister, Jean-Louis Borloo). So this

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Towards sustainability, a series of lifestyle tips

2009 is due to be in many countries a recession year. This makes it the perfect occasion to embrace the tenets of sustainable development and consume less energy, water and so on. This will save you money,  preserve our environment and make you live a fitter life. A bright prospect called Towards sustainability,  it is

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