United States

Grist : How bicycling will save the economy

While I am a huge supporter of electric cars and mass transportation, I also believe bikes should play a more important role in our lives and cities.  And so does Grist with its great Bikenomics series of three articles. Indeed, cycling allows people to stop buying foreign oil and thus spend their money in local […]

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Coal costs the United States $500 billion each year

It made the headlights last week on practically all environmental websites. The hidden costs – the negative externalities if you prefer – of coal are of 500 billion Dollars per year for the United States alone. Yes, you read it right : burning coal costs the country half a trillion dollar on health costs, premature

Coal costs the United States $500 billion each year Read More »

Can the US stop subsidizing coal and oil ?

Coal and oil are the two most polluting fossil fuels and energy sources to date. Despite this, both are receiving huge subsidies from the United States federal and local governments. To Climate Progress, the coal industry received around $3 billion (2.2 billion euros) per year between 2002 and 2008 and to the New York Times,

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16 GW of solar PV capacity added in 2010

According to Reuters : ” The world added about 16 gigawatts of new solar photovoltaic (PV) power in 2010, double the growth seen a year earlier, the European Photovoltaic Industry Association told Reuters on Monday.” Out of these 16 gigawatts, Europe is behind the vast majority of the growth with an impressive 13 gigawatts. Out

16 GW of solar PV capacity added in 2010 Read More »

3 US States to cut emissions by 25 % below 1990

Are the United States staying idle in the climate change fight ? At the federal level, it seems to be the case. But at the State level, the situation is different as more and more of them are moving forward. Indeed, as CleanTechnica notes that ” Massachusetts joins California and New Mexico to cut GHGs

3 US States to cut emissions by 25 % below 1990 Read More »

Over 7,800 MW of geothermal power for the USA

Geothermal energy is seldom mentioned among renewable energies as solar and wind energies get the lion’s share of the news. However, geothermal is one of the rare sources that can deliver electricity 24/7. To CleanTechnica : ” The geothermal industry has begun an unprecedented expansion starting this year, as a record 7, 875 MW of

Over 7,800 MW of geothermal power for the USA Read More »

Californians voted NO on Prop 23

To the Huffington Post : ” California progressives have demonstrated that we have the power to deliver a resounding defeat to the big oil companies, if we fight on our own terms and harness the power of the grassroots.” ” Proposition 23, had it passed, would have effectively repealed the state’s landmark global warming law.

Californians voted NO on Prop 23 Read More »

Californian electricity to be 33 % renewables

While the US federal government is still haggling about a climate and energy bill, the richest state is willing to have a third of its electricity coming from solar, wind and the likes by the end of the decade. The local government points to the fact that this will decrease the dependence on foreign fossil

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China becomes the world’s first energy consumer

According to the International Energy Agency, China became in 2009 the world’s biggest energy consumer in front of the USA. Indeed it consumed 2.25 billion tons of oil equivalent (TOE) while the latter consumed 2.17 billions. To the Wall Street Journal : ” China’s total energy consumption was just half that of the U.S. 10

China becomes the world’s first energy consumer Read More »