United States

How coal-fired plants are causing cancers

I really believe coal should go away as it is the most greenhouse gases emitting and most polluting energy source. I am really glad France decided to step away from it and chose nuclear instead. The Huffington Post published last week an article on how coal-fired plants are causing cancer cases to people and even […]

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Who’s winning the clean energy race ?

The PEW environment group published a fantastic study on the cleantech investment in the G20 in 2009. The largest economies, both developped and developping are very different in this economic sector. China overtook the United States in cleantech investments with more than $34 billion while the latter dedicated less than $19 billion. The European Union

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A great infographic on biodiversity loss

Biodiversity is a vital issue to us all as to the United Nations the disappearance of both fauna and floral species costs six percent of the world GDP, or more than $3,100 billion (2,000 billion euros) per year. The Mother Nature Network published recently a splendid infographic with the Top 20 countries with most endangered species.

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US electricity : more nuclear and less coal

Things are slowly but irresistibly changing in the United States. Wind power added ten gigawatts of capacity to the grids last year alone and coal is less and less used to generate electricity. Meanwhile, a nuclear renaissance may be under way in America as last month President Obama announced a $8.3 billion (6 billion euros)

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Xynthia, another extreme weather event

As climate warms, extreme weather events are more and more frequent and more and more violent. Indeed, after the blizzards on the East coast of the United States, Europe was hit this weekend by an important storm. Xynthia claimed more than fifty lives this weekend in France alone and the costs are due to exceed

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EPA to regulate greenhouse gases emissions

We had reason to be optimistic on the Copenhagen Climate Conference as the United States unveiled on the first day a plan that will allow its Environmental Protection Agency to act on greenhouse gases emissions. Among the gases that will be regulated are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride. As you

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Towards a stalemate in Copenhagen ?

Even if the United States are going forward on climate change, many analysts around the world believe the COP 15 meeting in Copenhagen next month will end up in a stalemate. As China and India are stepping up to the climate change issue and as Europe is – albeit moderately ambitious goals – still leading,

Towards a stalemate in Copenhagen ? Read More »

The United States is a food wasteland

This is the catchy title of an article GOOD recently published. It is not entirely new to me as I previously wrote about it, but the data provided there undoubtedly has to be shared. Here goes the beginning of  the article : ” When it comes to food, Americans are the undisputed champions of one

The United States is a food wasteland Read More »

A real boom for solar PV in the United States

Investment within Venture Capital in solar photovoltaïc in the United States reached one billion Dollars in 2007. This almost represents a ten-fold increase compared to 2005. Greentech Media proposes for $600 a full report on the importance this energy source has in venture capital (VC) today and will have in 2009. The least I can

A real boom for solar PV in the United States Read More »