United States

China and USA unveil drastic actions on climate

As Al Gore pointed out on Twitter, both the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China unveiled huge efforts to curb greenhouse gases emissions on the same week, or rather on two consecutive days. About the US, Climate Progress has this to say : ” On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced new regulations to […]

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US renewables are pursuing their rise

To a new study quoted in Cleantechies, renewable energy sources should represent 16 percent of the electricity consumption in the United States in 2018, much earlier than previously thought. The US Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) projections believed such levels would be reach only in 2040 (!) Currently renewables represent already 13 percent of the total electricity consumed

US renewables are pursuing their rise Read More »

Income inequalities : Oxfam has solutions

Last week I wrote on how to both the United Nations and Oxfam, income inequalities are at an all time high and growing. If the UN shows that some trends are going in the right direction, this could end soon. Too little people have too much money and vice versa. In the United States, the

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The American success story of tire recycling

Here is an impressive environmental success story that took place in the United States. According to Mother Nature Network, up to 90 percent of the two to three billion tires dumped in the USA have been recycled over the past few decades. To MNN : ” In 2011, 197 million scrap tires were recycled or

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Energy efficiency brings huge returns on investment

You must know if if you have been reading this blog : albeit it is not as ” sexy “ as renewables, energy efficiency is simply a must as we embark our societies and economies on a journey towards sustainability. Here is further proof as Cleantechnica notes : ” Energy efficiency retrofits (…) created a

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King Coal is dying in China and the USA

While coal might still be the first source of energy for electricity generation in the world, the tides may be turning in two of its largest markets, the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America. Several facts are pointing to that conclusion.While China consumes now as much of the black dirty stuff

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2013 was one of the warmest years since 1880

Both NASA and NOAA – US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – have issued a joint presentation on how climate change made 2013 one of the warmest year ever recorded. It is worth showing to any climate change deniers you may know. According to NASA : ” NASA scientists say 2013 tied with 2009 and 2006 for the seventh warmest

2013 was one of the warmest years since 1880 Read More »

The energy transition already creates jobs

The energy transition from our model based on a huge majority of polluting fossil fuels to a model based on cleantech technologies such as energy efficiency and renewable energy sources will require a lot of money. Indeed, we have seen recently that up to a trillion dollar would be needed every year to do so.

The energy transition already creates jobs Read More »

Emissions in United States rebounded in 2013

This was a major setback for me last week, US greenhouse gases emissions related to energy rose two percent in 2013 compared to 2012. To the US EIA this is due to ” a small increase in coal consumption in the electric power sector. “ ” Coal has regained some market share from natural gas since a

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