United States

Efficiency gains momentum, decrease emissions

Ever since I started to delve into energy and environmental issues, I have been advocating energy efficiency. It is the cheapest solution, and also the best one. This is why I have called it the panacea to all our energy and climate problems. It seems I wasn’t the only one to call for more efficiency […]

Efficiency gains momentum, decrease emissions Read More »

United States on an energy conservation quest

President Obama is willing to save his country a lot of money : $40 billion, or around 30 billion euros, annually. These huge sums of money equal to reducing energy use in commercial buildings 20 percent by 2020. As Elisa Wood wrote on Cleantechies : ” To achieve the goal, the Obama administration in 2011

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Is global warming causing a cold spring ?

Temperatures in northern Europe and parts of the United States are currently colder than average – see these articles from The Independant, Der Spiegel and the Washington Post. Given this, one can reasonably ask : Did the record Arctic melt triggered this cold winter ? To climatologists, it seems likely as previous studies have shown.

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Book review : Reinventing Fire, by Amory Lovins

Since I started this blog – and even before – I have read quite a serious amount of books on energy and climate issues. But today I can say I have found my favorite : Reinventing Fire, by Amory Lovins and the Rocky Mountain Institute. Mixing the maths of Sustainable energy – without the hot

Book review : Reinventing Fire, by Amory Lovins Read More »

The biggest US climate rally to date

This Sunday took place in the United States of America the largest climate rally ever (in the country) up to 40,000 people walked peacefully, chanted and danced in Washington DC. Other rallies were organized in many other states. All had the same message : they were asking President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline

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Another great Obama speech on climate

Earlier this week, the newly reelected US President Barack Obama addressed the nation in the annual State of the Union address. It was the occasion for President Obama to keep his hard stance on climate on energy. His previous speech during his second inaugural address had been a new hope for climate change. I stated

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Obama’s second inaugural speech is a new hope

President Barack Obama delivered his second Inaugural Address this Monday in Washington DC. Climate change got quite a few mentions and it looks like the second term might be the time where the climate crisis is tackled as it should. However, this was supposed to be the case in his first term. And many analysts

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Cleantech investments fell in 2012

According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, investements in clean technologies fell by 11 percent in 2012 compared to their 2011 levels. They still amounted to 268.7 billion USD or over 200 billion euros. These news aren’t all that bad even if this decrease marks the end of a seeminlgy unstoppable increase but i has to

Cleantech investments fell in 2012 Read More »

What Obama’s re-election means for climate

Barack Obama’s re-election this week occurred shortly after the Hurricane Sandy that killed dozens people and inflicted for billion of dollars of damages to the US economy. The past year has been the hottest ever for the United States. On a positive note, President Obama have introduced various bills and laws to help America become

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