United States

Hurricane Sandy, aka the Frankenstorm

Unless you have spent the week remote from civilization, you must have heard of THE event of the week : Disney bought the Star Wars franchise. Ooops, sorry, I meant : Hurricane Sandy, also known as the Frankenstorm. All joking aside, the matter is tremendously serious as dozens died in the Caribbean and the United […]

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Two important milestones for wind energy

In September, two important milestones were set for wind energy as installed capacities reached a 100 gigawatts and 50 gigawatts in the European Union and the United States of America, respectively. The 100 GW of wind turbines are producing as much electricity as 62 coal-fired plants or 39 nuclear reactors or 52 natural gas generators

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Global actions against coal

As renewable energies such as wind power and solar are becoming more and more competitive and as climate gets weirder and warmer, opposition to coal grows fiercer and more global. Think Progress has a compelling article on how plans to build coal fired plants are thwarted by local grassroots movements which do not want air,

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Good news : US emissions are decreasing fast

These are excellent news : Greenhouse gases emissions of the United States of America – the world’s second largest emitter after China – has seen its emissions decrease by 7.7 percent since 2006. If the downward trend was to keep on going, at the end of the year, the country would emit as much greenhouse

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America : Hell and high water

Climate change is currently hitting the United States in an impressive way. So I thought I would sum up here what is happening accross the ocean for those who just lost track at how this is becoming awful. Just last week, nearly 1,000 record high-temperatures records were broken all across the country. In Colorado, up

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RGGI slashes emissions in northern US states

Do you remember my enthusiastic post last year on a US “cap-and-invest” program, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (or RGGI) ? Well, it seems that it worked really well. To Climate Progress, the power sector of the nine participating states have slashed its emissions by 23 percent in only three years thanks to the decreased

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2°C temperature rise to be expected by 2052

According to the latest report by the Club of Rome, the average global temperature could increase by two degrees Celsius if nothing were done beforehand. Such an increase is seen a dangerous as it would enable positive feedback mechanisms – such as drying up of the Amazon or melting permafrost in Siberia –  to be

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G8 leaders agree to act on climate, air pollution

Are we finally getting things right on climate change ? Not completely, but what happened last week may be a good omen for the Rio +20 conference. As I noted in a post published yesterday on Cleantechies : ” Further to the Camp David meeting last week, G8 leaders agreed to act on climate change

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Coal decreases in US electricity mix

TreeHugger recently rejoiced as for the first time in over thirty years, coal has accounted for less than 40 percent of the local electricity mix. This is good news as coal is the most greenhouse gases emitting fossil fuel. This steady and continuous decrease can be explained mainly by the increased production of local natural

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Research on algae biofuels is booming

If traditional / first generation biofuels based on cereals are nowhere near being sustainable, the ones based on algae could be a good or even great solution in the not so far future… Some entrepreneurs and scientists are sharing this opinion as the New Mexico Business Weekly reports than at least three different companies are

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