
Worsening water scarcity crises in China

I was reporting last week that many countries in South Asia are facing water scarcity. And to recent articles I read, it seems that the phenomenon is also witnessed in China as well, but an even more worrying way. An article from the Green Leap Forward brings us great information on that worsening trend. This […]

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Water scarcity in South Asia

The latest UNEP publication is stressing the importance of water issues in South Asia (from Iran to India and Bangladesh), a region accounting for a fourth of human population but only a twentieth of the planet’s freshwater resources. Among the main threats are over-exploitation, pollution, high population growth and the lack of cooperation between neighboring

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Africa’s rapidly changing environment

According to the 390-pages atlas released by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Africa is changing rapidly because of many factors like deforestation and climate change. The already fragile environments are under pressure due to wars, the increasing population and water scarcity, a major problem as 300 million people suffer from it. However, all these

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Barcelona is facing important water scarcity

The capital city of Catalonia and one of my favorite European places is facing an increasing water scarcity due to a severe drought as El Pais notes. This might lead to a total lack of water by October and there are no really good solution to solve this problem as Barcelona doesn’t have any water

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Using wind energy for cargo shipping

This is the great – and yet very simple – idea developed by a German company, SkySails. The container ship pictured on the left uses one of the oldest inventions: a simple kite. According to SkySails, this enables to decrease by 10 to 35 percent the energy consumption of these boats, which are largely used

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China is facing increasing water crises

According to a recent article from the French daily Le Monde, China is experiencing more and more difficulties to answer its water needs as a severe drought strikes the country. This reinforces even more the problems of water scarcity and pollution that the People’s Republic is facing and one can ask how the Chinese will

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Arctic is melting faster than forecast

This is perhaps the most serious and most worrying news of the beginning of the year as Canada reported last year the most important ice melting ever witnessed. According to the WWF, summer sea ice in the arctic could disappear within six years, much faster than previously thought about. Temperatures at the poles rise much

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