
Toward a new world war because of climate change?

This is the question asked by Le Figaro [Fr] as the United Nations released a report that should urge ALL world leaders to make climate change mitigation their top priority. According to the UN, many countries in Africa, Asia and Americas might be seriously threatened by wars as their environments deteriorate in many ways. But […]

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How to grow more rice with less water

Rice is the most consumed cereal in the world and is the base of food for half the world population. It is also very water intensive. Meanwhile, water scarcity problems are already increasing in India and China, and will increase even more with climate change. So when the WWF writes a report on a method

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Payer moins d’impôts tout en ayant de l’eau gratuite

Selon un article publié hier sur le site du Figaro : “L’achat d’équipements destinés à récupérer l’eau de pluie pour un usage domestique donne droit à un crédit d’impôt de 25% des dépenses investies.” “(…) Ainsi, une famille de quatre personnes qui consomme en moyenne 120 m3 peut économiser 70 m3 d’eau potable par an.

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