
La Barra, or why we need to clean up our oceans

A few weekends ago I was fortunate enough to go with great friends to La Barra, a beautifully stunning beach in the Parque Nacional Natural Uramba Bahía Málaga on the Pacific coast of Colombia. The photos I took do not lie, the place is simply magnificient and a great spot to spend a few days far away

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A low tech and natural air conditioning system

I like Treehugger for coming up with great designs that could change a bit the world we are living in. One of their latest finds was a natural air conditioner that uses clay and evaporation. As Treehugger noted : ”  Thibault Faverie‘s Cold Pot is a natural and simple air conditioner that uses clay and

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New Caledonia and France create huge Marine Protected Area

More good news people ! New Caledonia – and France – are creating a marine protected area (MPA) of huge size : 1.3 million square kilometers : the parc naturel de la mer de Corail. This park will be amongst the largest MPAs in the world. Thanks to that, 16 percent of the waters under French jurisdiction are now

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Could we reforest the Sahara desert ?

Is this the key to afforestation projects in arid or desert areas ? As hundreds of billion of trees have to be planted over the next decades to avert climate change, the question is of tremendous importance. As Cleantechnica reports, the Gulf state of Qatar is experimenting an interesting project – the Sahara Forest Project

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Saving water and energy with a single invention

We have all experienced it : before having hot water at the faucet, cold water arrives. This could be something of the past thanks to a Spanish invention, AquaReturn, which enables its users to save both water and energy. AquaReturn recirculates the cold water around the pipes until the desired water temperature is reached. To

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Climate change dries up lakes in China and California

If you think climate change is a threat only to a distant future, please read on. In California, the situation is critical as to the Weather Channel : ” California’s reservoirs are severely depleted due to the ongoing widespread drought conditions “ ” As of Jan. 21, 2014, 67 percent of California was in extreme drought,

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