
Oil refining : another reason to prefer electric cars

While browsing my tweets of January and February, I found an interesting article giving a new reason of why electric cars and vehicles in general are great and necessary in a low carbon economy. Indeed, removing the need for oil not only reduces greenhouse gases emissions from the burning of that said oil, but also […]

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Sustainable architecture : Earthship Biotecture

While browsing the Internet I discovered something that is completely in adequation with the topics tackled here, such as sustainability, energy and water use and scarcity and so on. Earthship Biotecture is about : “ radically sustainable buildings made with recycled materials. Earthships can be built in any part of the world, in any climate

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Freezing temperatures are due to global warming

With current outdoors temperatures below the freezing point in large parts of Europe, it is easy to think that climate change is either a hoax or that it will be most welcome as it would get us rid of those patches of ice on the roads. This won’t be the case as the Independent reports

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The too many little oil spills of Russia

Here is something we never heard about before. To the Associated Press : ” Environmentalists estimate at least 1 percent of Russia’s annual oil production, or 5 million tons, is spilled every year. That is equivalent to one Deepwater Horizon-scale leak about every two months. Crumbling infrastructure and a harsh climate combine to spell disaster

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Here comes the miracle rice

I don’t talk about food often here. However, with so many starving people around the world, I should talk more about agricultural advances as feeding nine billion people by 2050 will be the biggest challenge ever faced. To Ecogeek : ” A new type of rice (from) the University of Agricultural Sciences in Bangalore, India

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Seven billion souls on Planet Earth

To Echo Sierra : ” According to the UN Population Fund, the global population will reach 7 billion souls on the 31st of October 2011, giving concerns about the natural resources scarcity and inequalities a renewed and actual acuity.” ” According to UN estimates, world population could grow to 15 billion by the end of

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Giving some of my computer time for science

A post from TreeHugger got me thinking : why wouldn’t I give some of my computer time to help advancing research ? I had written about this almost three years ago, and being looking for a job, I often have a computer running. So, a month ago, on August 2nd, I started gathering information on

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Hurricane Irene may cost US economy $20 billion

To ABC News : ” It’s time to clean up Irene. The hurricane’s destructive path through 10 East Coast states left an estimated $7 billion to $13 billion of damage in its wake — without even accounting for economic losses.” Estimates could climb to $20 billion (14 billion euros) if economic lost were taken into

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Heating buildings with data centers

The idea might seem a bit far-fetched but recovering the heat produced by data centers could heat buildings. However we have seen similar ideas are extremely cost efficient and environmentally friendly. To ExtremeTech : ” With a temperature of around 40-50°C, the exhaust from a rack of cloud servers could be a very cost-effective way

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