
Why dual flush toilets should be ubiquitous

Using clean drinkable water to flush isn’t making much sense economically and environmentally. Yet this is the most practical one. (I don’t really see how people living in huge cities could all use dry or composting toilets) This is why I believe that each and everyone of us should install dual flush toilets to minimize […]

Why dual flush toilets should be ubiquitous Read More »

The last great water fight for the Mackenzie River

While reading Courrier International one article on the MacKenzie river recently caught my attention. It was first published by The Walrus, a Canadian magazine published by a non-profit charitable foundation. Here is an extract : ” the Mackenzie River empties a watershed nearly the size of Western Europe into the Arctic Ocean. Draining half of Alberta

The last great water fight for the Mackenzie River Read More »

World population to hit 7 billion this year

According to the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) the world population is due to hit seven billion by 2011. This occurs as it hit six billion only 12 years ago, and five billion 24 years ago. The current increase of global population poses multiple serious problems.With decreasing water supplies as the Himalaya’s snow is melting and

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China wants 500 GW of renewables by 2020

You know if you have been reading this blog for some time now : China is determined to become the leader on cleantech. But it’s not only about making money in tomorrow’s leading industry : it is also about the environment. Indeed, if China is investing $12 million each hour on cleantech, it is also

China wants 500 GW of renewables by 2020 Read More »

Worth an article – my November 2010 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector. However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth

Worth an article – my November 2010 tweets Read More »

How India is threatened by climate change

To the Huffington Post : ” A new report says India could be 2 degrees Celsius warmer than 1970s levels within 20 years – a change that would disrupt rain cycles and wreak havoc on the country’s agriculture and freshwater supplies.” (…) ” More flooding, more drought and a spreading of malaria would occur, as

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Could aquaculture be a sustainable solution ?

As the New York Times notes aquaculture might be a good solution to avoid the depletion of fish stocks and thus be a sustainable way to feed the billion of people that will be born this century. However fish farming poses several problems such as diseases, water pollution, heavy antibiotics use and also may harm

Could aquaculture be a sustainable solution ? Read More »

Climate change unites Mediterranean nations

Will fighting climate change become the ultimate fight ? If the Palestinian Authority and Israel can sit at the same table to fight climate change I guess we can save ourselves from warming temperatures. To the AFP: ” Some 15 Mediterranean countries, including Israel and the Palestinian Authority, agreed Friday to work together to combat

Climate change unites Mediterranean nations Read More »