
How coal-fired plants are causing cancers

I really believe coal should go away as it is the most greenhouse gases emitting and most polluting energy source. I am really glad France decided to step away from it and chose nuclear instead. The Huffington Post published last week an article on how coal-fired plants are causing cancer cases to people and even […]

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A swimming pool heated by waste energy

I really like swimming. So, twice to thrice a week I go swimming at the Lons-Le-Saunier Aqua’ReL center (pictured left). Opened in 2007 it was built with sustainable development in mind and comes with plenty green features. Energy efficient, it is heated by the local waste-to-energy plant. Additionally, part of its electricity comes from 30

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Glaciers are melting faster and faster

The UNEP and the World Glacier Monitoring Service published a report showing how glaciers all around the world are melting faster and faster, thus threatening the water supplies of hundred of millions of people. The report then noted that “the average annual melting rate of glaciers doubled after the turn of the millennium.” This scary

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An image is worth a thousand words

Nothing could be more true with infographics as they combine data and images. As Cool Infographics notes  “Charts and graphs can communicate data; Infographics turn data into information.” This is a fantastic tool to understand complex topics like energy in general or for example how the United States rely too much on foreign oil and 

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Concentrating solar needs huge amounts of water

Concentrating Solar Thermal is a fantastic energy source and some experts estimate that it could answer a quarter of the global electricity needs by 2050 if large plants were installed in sunny deserts. However the New York Times notes that this energy source use significant amounts of water. Since this resource is already scarce in

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The Alps are endangered by climate change

To the latest report of the European Environment Agency, climate change “poses a grave threat” to the snows of the Alps, and thus will decrease the amounts of water received by many rivers like the Danube, Rhine, Po and Rhone. At the center of Europe the Alps – like the Himalayas are for Asia –

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Water in Singapore : Conserve, Value, Enjoy

For this month’s article on CleanTechies we are moving from cleantech in France to focus on water management in Singapore as I read Erik Orsenna’s book on water. There are many interesting things to learn there. From massive rainwater harvesting to water treatment with 15 reservoirs and recycling and desalination, the island city covers 60

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The fifth World Water Forum

This week in Istanbul, Turkey, around 15,000 water specialists are meeting for the fifth World Water Forum. This occurs as water scarcity is increasing and is due to keep on doing so around the world. With the goal of bridging divides over water, this forum will tackle international issues as water scarcity is at the

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