Worth an article – my September 2011 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share more news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate change and environmental issues

China’s per capita CO2 emissions could match or exceed U.S. levels by 2017, new report predicts. http://bit.ly/ousDGN

RT @jaketapper: Obama at fundraiser hits Perry as “a governor whose state is on fire denying #climate change.”

RT @ZainShaban: Success! NYC Lowered Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 12% Since 2005 | Inhabitat New York City http://t.co/RwpoSdBr

More Americans Understand World is Warming — Thanks to Rick Perry, Reports Reuters http://thinkprogress.org/romm/2011/09/16/321246/public-opinion-world-is-warming-rick-perry-reports-reuters/

Henry Bellingham: ” #ClimateChange is a threat multiplier. But we can make #lowcarbon, #climate resilient growth a security multiplier”

algore : 2010 was India\’s warmest year since records started being kept in 1901. Join us in New Delhi now bit.ly/24rlty

Less than half the U.S. has dark enough night skies to see the Milky Way. Here’s how to change that: http://t.co/1vdVBm5

Nine straight months of extreme weather and 10 major disasters have taken a devastating economic toll on the U.S. http://ow.ly/6mxhV

Les Français sont les Européens les plus préoccupés par le réchauffement climatique http://t.co/rqA1lhn

The Star: Global warming could lead to global warring http://t.co/n7okMN5

Stadium-sized artificial floating volcano aims to fix Earth’s climate http://bit.ly/q6Hphq #geoengineering

Protecting just 4% of the oceans at 9 locations could save most marine mammals species – what are we waiting for? http://t.co/ogMqyok

New York’s one-inch escape from Irene: http://www.grist.org/climate-change/2011-08-30-the-one-inch-escape via @grist that’s 2.5 cm… Not much !

Energy and cleantech

Peak coal in China means the country’s desperate for renewables http://t.co/vvxyrem

Nuclear Power Still The Energy of The Future After Fukushima http://t.co/0EmoZnr

Coal Shortages Speed Up China’s Clean Power Plans http://cleantechnica.com/2011/08/30/coal-shortages-speed-up-chinas-clean-power-plans/ via @cleantechnica

Japon : l’Abandon de l’énergie nucléaire coûterait $ 280 Mds http://t.co/DygKCcLL

If you think standard #solar PV panels are too inefficient at 15%, this post will provide some much-needed perspective. http://t.co/b2kspztB

RT @EnergyCollectiv: Farmers Harvesting The Power of Solar Energy by @energynownews http://t.co/hCCIjZa0

Peak #coal comes to Appalachia—by 2015, production will be half what it was in 2008 http://bit.ly/qxm8oP

Kind of a big deal: $1.6 billion coming for energy efficiency projects http://www.grist.org/energy-efficiency/2011-09-21-kind-of-a-big-deal-1.6-billion-coming-for-energy-efficiency-proj

The military’s historic embrace of smart energy http://www.grist.org/renewable-energy/2011-09-21-the-militarys-historic-embrace-of-smart-energy

UK Solar Capacity Grows 900% in 18 Months http://www.treehugger.com/files/2011/09/uk-solar-capacity-grew-900-percent.php

Creating 1 Million Energy Efficiency Jobs is “a No-Brainer”: Bill Clinton http://www.treehugger.com/files/2011/09/creating-one-million-energy-efficiency-jobs-bill-clinton-says-its-a-no-brainer.php

+330,000 Jobs in 2 Decades from Energy Efficiency | CleanTechnica http://cleantechnica.com/2011/09/21/330000-jobs-in-2-decades-from-energy-efficiency/

Responding to a Trillion-Dollar Call to Retrofit Buildings: http://cleantechnica.com/2011/09/28/responding-to-a-trillion-dollar-call-to-retrofit-buildings/

Oil drilling wastes 100 million cubic feet of natural gas a day http://t.co/mP2wSobp

Peugeot Jumps on the Tiny-e-Car Bandwagon: http://cleantechnica.com/2011/09/27/peugeot-jumps-on-the-tiny-e-car-bandwagon/

“For those people who said #cleantech investing is a disaster, I can say we have generated huge profits.” -Vinod Khosla

RT @grist: Navy Secretary says getting off fossil fuels is just like ditching sail power: http://t.co/WWilYUm1

4 tons of sand & soil are removed, dumped for every 1 barrel of oil from tar sands: Facts on #tarsands http://su.pr/1PuXwb

EDF #Climate Corps Unearths $650 Million in #Energy Savings http://t.co/BevYu5Rm

World oil use seen up 27% by 2035 http://t.co/E3weIlGo

U.S. Solar PV Pipeline Up to 24 GW http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2011/09/u-s-solar-pv-pipeline-up-to-24-gw

RT @GE_EnergyFlex: Did you know #retrofitting homes with #energysaving upgrades will provide employment? http://t.co/PpcCyuW

How China is Going to Own the Solar Industry http://t.co/GfxqRML

Energy Efficiency Must Have a Starring Role in Putting America Back to Work http://clmpr.gs/oLJ7QF via @thinkprogress

Industry: Solar electricity to undercut coal in parts of Europe by 2013 – 05 Sep 2011 http://goo.gl/NyQpn

Sustainable development

This Company Turns Plastic Bottles Back Into Crude Oil http://su.pr/2awykj (@GOOD stuff) NOW this is AMAZING !

Croissance économique : une obsession absurde | Atlantico http://t.co/zHSrDMkK

8 million worldwide have watched 24 Hours of Reality. Share #Reality with your friends http://bit.ly/24rlty Keep us growing!

Swimming pools don’t have to be insults to the planet http://t.co/l6VZ4dF4

1.4 billion people still don’t have electricity, 85% in rural areas #GEinvest

Getting the facts straight on green jobs: http://t.co/Mzddvuj0

It’s The Ecology, Stupid. There Are No Profits Without a Stable Planet. (Video) http://www.treehugger.com/files/2011/09/ecology-stupid-profits-planet.php

7 billion in 7 minutes: Science magazine explains it all [VIDEO] http://t.co/kSKGVopG


“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Lao Tzu

How can job seekers create a positive online presence? Check out 5 ways to enhance your #LinkedIn profile. http://ow.ly/6AjiB

Just ate an organic kiwi. It’s like I got a rainbow in my mouth now… Eat #organic, your taste buds will thank you 🙂

RT @VanJones68 Texas unemployment DOUBLED from 4.2% to 8.4% during Perry’s tenure as Gov DESPITE oil.

“I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.” Oscar Wilde

Absolutely great Nature Quotes – http://goo.gl/kl9bI I think I will add some of them to my blog footer ^^

Dear Sarah Palin, I don’t want to take my country back. I want to take my country forward. Signed, A Real #American. #USA #GOP

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