Dear visitors, readers and subscribers I would like to announce you that I am starting as of today a new life with a new job in a completely different kind of place. I have indeed left the bustling life of Paris for the calm of the countryside.
I have been hired by a Belgian company dealing into automation, Product Engineering Services (PES), to be their Communications Manager. There I will be in charge of sales, marketing as well as their website.
Naturally, this shouldn’t change the amount nor the quality of articles I will be publishing. So stay tuned for more great content !
Good luck with your new position!
Merci Olivier ! Bon courage à toi également !
congrats! and good health to weather the Belgian countryside..peaceful and productive new year my friend, ns
Thank you Nadine ! Please receive here all my wishes of a happy, healthy and sustainable 2012
The weather is quite okay so far. With no snow :/