I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.
However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share dozens of news that are worth your time.
I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.
Climate change
Ex-IPCC head: Prepare for 5°C warmer world http://bit.ly/VYBP6c & we’ve missed chance to keep levels below 2°C target.
Remarkable piece on the ‘most influential climate science paper’ which also makes the case for divestment. Share pls! http://insideclimatenews.org/
A carbon tax is indeed part of the solution RT @TreeHugger: President Obama’s next steps for a Carbon Tax http://ow.ly/hGQmm
Good news about the ozone hole http://huff.to/12Mn6Nn
Why China’s carbon emissions may not matter http://bit.ly/XxHIVR
RT @CHedegaardEU: YES! Historic step for climate action! EU leaders agree to commit 20% of ALL EU spend to climate action
Congratulations to South Africa for committing to a carbon tax in 2015. Dear US & Canada, take note. http://allafrica.com/stories/201302280067.html …
90% of #China‘s ground #water contaminated – sewage from cities and chemical runoff from ag are big culprits http://ow.ly/i0IfN
When a million trees fall: New Monster palm oil project in Cameroon will destroy 73 000 HA of rainforest >> http://ow.ly/hQaSa#Africa
Energy and cleantech
In India, Solar Refrigerators Are Saving Food http://bit.ly/XFamlL
How Electricity, Water And Food Could Be Produced In Desert Areas With Minimal Ecological Footprint http://clmpr.gs/XSHeGD
IEA chief: ‘Fossil fuel subsidies are public enemy number one for green energy’ http://www.businessgreen.com/
When I started at Ecofys (1986), solar PV panels were $10/Watt. Last year, they reached $0.73: http://goo.gl/kFB5V Not strictly causal
Solar PV panels became over 100 times cheaper since 1976; an average 12% annual price reduction for 36 years in a row! http://goo.gl/kFB5V
China is getting serious about taming coal http://bit.ly/WySbz1 via @drgrist
China’s coal consumption to peak slightly above present level, thx to energy efficiency drive: http://goo.gl/pcvrd
Hm, interesting… The Future of Nuclear Power: Getting Rid of Nuclear Waste – #SolveforX https://www.solveforx.com
Japan Banks Ante Up to $19 Billion Solar Market http://ow.ly/2uJKwv
Grid Parity in the U.S: There’s A Map for That http://bit.ly/UEnZmJ
US wind + solar power capacity grew by 16 GW in 2012 alone, equal to total growth in nuclear power capacity over past 26 years (1986-2012).
Colourful ‘solar glass’ means entire buildings can generate clean power http://bit.ly/XGMIFL
CleanTechnica: 100% Renewables Could Be Closer Than We Think http://cleantechnica.com/
#Cleanenergy tensions hit the global #trade agenda => #cleantech becoming important globally http://www.businessgreen.com #WTO
Nissan has reached an important milestone: 50k electric LEAFs sold worldwide http://goo.gl/1JlrN
France: record electricity imports from… Germany http://www.lesechos.fr #Energiewende #TransitionEnergétique #EnergyTransition
Le Plan bâtiment durable propose un fonds de 2 milliards pour financer 15 milliards de rénovation thermique par an http://bit.ly/XjD235
1.2GW / EUR1bn partnership between Alstom and Renova Energia http://j.mp/VIeMwn #windpower #Brazil
Wow: Shell admits *solar* energy is the future: http://bloom.bg/Wn9rv8 So, about that oil you’re digging up…
China is building 29 nuclear reactors, 40% of the world’s total http://goo.gl/mzpnK
261 MPG Volkswagen XL1 Production Confirmed, Debuts Geneva http://bit.ly/VOjcC1 #car #green
In the US 30% of all food, worth US$48.3 billion, is thrown away each year http://bit.ly/XRSQea #thinkeatsave
Food losses & waste = roughly US$680bn in industrialized countries & US$310bn in developing countries http://bit.ly/XRSQea #thinkeatsave
A Keeper. The 5 Rules of Happy Employees (and they help make successful companies) http://www.fastcompany.com
Repair cafes popping up from London to New York; social events where you can bring your broken toaster and beer: http://ow.ly/hSqLm
NYTimes: Relax! You’ll Be More Productive – more proof that sleep = increased productivity. Yes, please. http://nyti.ms/XvYSBw
Turns out we live on a planet. Magnificent conversation with astronauts about the impact of seeing Earth from space: http://www.brainpickings.org/