
Apple’s data centers to go 100% renewables

After Microsoft’s pledge to go carbon neutral earlier this month, it was logical to see other IT giants follow suit. The first to clean up and go low carbon is Apple. As Robert McMillan reports in Grist : ” The computer company says that by early next year, the energy used to power its worldwide data centers […]

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Microsoft to become carbon neutral

Little by little, Big Business understands that climate change has to be addressed. The last example is Microsoft as it is willing to become carbon neutral as early as July 1st, 2012. As Kevin Turner, Microsoft’s COO, noted : ( Microsoft wants ) ” to infuse carbon awareness into every part of our business. To

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IEA pushes for more renewables, efficiency, faster

The prestigious International Energy Agency published this week an interesting report on both renewables and efficiency and how they are being deployed. The results are clear : Despite growing very fast, cleantech is not growing fast enough to prevent catastrophic climate change. Under the business as usual scenario, temperatures would warm by 6°C this century.

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It is time for a global price on carbon

It seems more and more countries around the world are willing to put a price on carbon as the evidence of carbon dioxide fueled climate change is more than overwhelming. Indeed, extreme weather events are heating all continents, all countries, all regions. France thought about it in 2009 and retracted. The Emission Trading Scheme in Europe

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$260 billion were invested in Cleantech in 2011

Remember my post on how a trillion had been invested in cleantech ? Well, the trend is accelerating as $260 billion (approx. 200 billion euros) were invested in 2011 alone as Bloomberg New Energy Finance reported. So, everything wasn’t so bad last year and especially not for the United States, which reclaimed their leadership from

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China to increase – again – its efforts

The situation is critical in the People’s Republic of China as everyday it is becoming more and more evident than business-as-usual scenario would doom the country, and the world. As the air pollution in Beijing is reaching truly horrifing levels the local government has called to ” reduce emissions of “major pollutants” by as much

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How Africa is embracing cleantech

I have recently noted that cleantech is booming globally, but what does it mean for Africa ? In today’s post I will try to give a few answers to this crucial question as still 600 million Africans have no access to electricity. To a study titled Mega Trends in Africa: A bright vision for the

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One trillion dollars has been invested in cleantech

According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, a trillion dollars – that’s a thousand billion, or 748 billion euros – has been invested in renewable energies, energy efficiency and smart energy technologies since 2004. As stated in the article : ” Annual clean energy investment has risen nearly five-fold, from $52bn (39 billion euros) in 2004

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Investments in renewables surpass fossil fuels

These are great news, just in time for the current climate talks taking place in Durban as to a new report from Bloomberg, global investments in renewables are surpassing for the first time ever the amounts invested in fossil fuels. With economies of scale and scope, both solar energy and wind power are getting cheaper

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China to invest $313 billion in cleantech

According to Reuters : ” China will invest 2 trillion yuan (about $313 billion or 230 billion euros) to promote a green, low-carbon economy in the next five years, a senior economic planning official was quoted on Sunday as saying. ” The article goes on : ” (…) The green economy plan includes setting up

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