
Solyndra and the booming US solar industry

You might have heard or read about it : Solyndra, one of the largest solar companies in the United States  – it received half a billion in federal loans – has filed for bankruptcy. It has laid off 1,100 people… From there, you might be tempted to say that the US solar industry is going […]

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Sony slashed its emissions by 31% since 2000

To TreeHugger : ” Electronics giant Sony announced today that since 2000, it has achieved a 31 percent reduction in global CO2 emissions. The company boasts that means it surpassed its 2006 “Green Management” goal by 24 percent ” ” It did also achieve, though, a 54 percent reduction in waste generation (the goal was

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Cleantech investments increased by 32% in 2010

If you think the economic downturn is plaguing every sector, think again. To the UNEP : total global investments in clean energy grew by 32 percent in 2010 to $211 billion (146 billion euros). However, there is a catch : To Grist : ” For the first time ever, developing countries lead yearly investment in

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Lafarge pursues its sustainability commitment

According to the WWF : ” WWF and Lafarge, the world’s largest cement maker, today agreed to continue working together to further reduce the company’s greenhouse gas emissions and to help build hundreds of energy-efficient buildings.  ” ” (…) The company has been a member of WWF’s Climate Savers Programme since 2001 and has already

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Total to invest one billion euro in SunPower

To Reuters : ” French energy major Total SA’s landmark $1.37 billion (note : one billion euro) offer for a majority stake in U.S. company SunPower Corp gave fresh impetus to hopes of more deals, lifting global solar stocks. ” ” Total’s move is one of the biggest ever by an oil and gas giant

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Cleantech : 2001-2010 and 2010-2020

Cleantechnica got another interesting article, this time on what the past ten years meant to cleantech and what the next ten years could bring. The occasion is given by Clean Edge’s market research. ” With growth rates like seen in the telephone industry (…) during comparable revolutions, clean energy options like solar and wind have

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Cleantech investments to reach $240 bn this year

If you think business is bad in every sectors, think again. To Reuters : ” Brazil, China and India are expected to fuel global investments in clean energy in 2011 that are expected to reach $240 billion. (175 billion euros) The U.N.’s environmental unit (UNEP) said investment in renewable energy hit $180-$200 billion (130-145 billion

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Can the US stop subsidizing coal and oil ?

Coal and oil are the two most polluting fossil fuels and energy sources to date. Despite this, both are receiving huge subsidies from the United States federal and local governments. To Climate Progress, the coal industry received around $3 billion (2.2 billion euros) per year between 2002 and 2008 and to the New York Times,

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Global clean power: A $2.3 trillion opportunity

While browsing the people I follow on Twitter I found an interesting study from the Pew Charitable Trust noting that global clean power investments could reach $2.3 trillion by 2020. Yes, that’s 1,750 billion euros ! ” the report extrapolated from 2009 clean energy investments to conclude that such financing could reach US$2.3 trillion globally

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