How can we peak emissions and fast forward towards Net Zero ?
As momentum is accelerating towards peaking greenhouse gases emissions, a reflection on how to accelerate the shift towards Net Zero.
As momentum is accelerating towards peaking greenhouse gases emissions, a reflection on how to accelerate the shift towards Net Zero.
As the world’s largest greenhouse gases emitter, China’s actions on climate change are paramount to our common survival. Lucky us, not only things are trending in the right direction, they are also accelerating in both energy generation and transportation.
The global healthcare sector is starting to pull its weight on the fight against climate change. Both a first Health Day at COP28 and an open letter are proof of that.
With temperatures breaking records after records you would think our leaders and representatives would act accordingly. Nope.
The IPCC believes these eight solutions may help us avoid runaway climate change if we act big and fast enough. Let’s get to it !
To a new study published in Nature, “Earth has pushed past seven out of eight scientifically established safety limits and into “the danger zone,”.
In it’s latest report – published yesterday – the IPCC The IPCC is urging everyone to implement on a massive scale all the solutions we already have in every single sector; Our common future depends upon this.
The opinion from a respected UN’s High-Level Climate Action Champion got me thinking : could the world be Net Zero by the 2040s ?
The International Energy Agency is forecasting exponential growth of renewable energy sources, with capacity doubling in the next five years.
This year’s UNFCC climate talks achieved little compared to what is needed. But some progress actually took place