
A record breaking electricity consumption in France

The current temperatures in France are six degrees below average and this led to a record-breaking electricity consumption. Last night the level of energy consumption rose to 88 960 MW, compared to the previous record of 86 280 MW in January 2006. It is estimated by the Réseau de transport d’électricité that when temperature decreases …

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Toward a new world war because of climate change?

This is the question asked by Le Figaro [Fr] as the United Nations released a report that should urge ALL world leaders to make climate change mitigation their top priority. According to the UN, many countries in Africa, Asia and Americas might be seriously threatened by wars as their environments deteriorate in many ways. But …

Toward a new world war because of climate change? Read More »

Australia to ratify Kyoto, will partake in Bali talks

I don’t talk about politics as opinions are personal, but when politics include climate change mitigation, I have to do so. The victory yesterday of the Labour Party in Australia is very good news. The country will ratify the Kyoto Protocol and will also be present at the Bali talks in December to prepare the …

Australia to ratify Kyoto, will partake in Bali talks Read More »

Waste management in France

This week in France takes place a series of events that are due to reduce the amount of waste produced. This is important as we are now producing nearly a kilogram per habitant per day. All this makes for the total population the equivalent of 2.800 Eiffel Tower. (or 28 million kilograms of waste each …

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Putting an end to deforestation in Brazil by 2015

This is the ambitious goal that was set at the beginning of the month by the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF), eight other NGOs and the government of Brazil. This would to be reached by various sustainable development schemes that will include the local people, companies and government. This is high time for such …

Putting an end to deforestation in Brazil by 2015 Read More »

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