
Frightening food quantities frittering away

To the UNEP : “The waste of a staggering 1.3 billion tonnes of food per year is not only causing major economic losses but also wreaking significant harm on the natural resources that humanity relies upon to feed itself. “ 1.3 billion tonnes of food ! This has profound repercussions on our world as it […]

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Climate change endangers tea

It seems every single thing we enjoy in our daily lives is endangered by unchecked climate change. We have seen here that chocolate, coffee and wine will see their productions alter and decrease by warming temperatures. Climate Progress published last month a list of 16 of your favorite things that climate change is totally screwing

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Ecuador to drill in the Amazon

Sometimes you have to cover the bad news. To Climate Progress : ” Ecuador is abandoning an innovative plan that would have protected the Amazon rainforest from oil drilling due to lack of support from other nations “ Their original idea was to avoid drilling there by receiving money from wealthy nations that would have

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Yesterday was Earth Overshoot Day

You probably know it : we consume way too much stuff : food, water, energy… As a matter of fact we consume so much that we are depleting the resources our beautiful planet gives us. As Business Green noted : ” Today the world dips into its environmental overdraft as mankind’s demands for resources since

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Fight deforestation to save coral reefs

As our world is just a huge jigsaw puzzle where every pieces are connected, solving an environmental issue might help solve another one. Ending deforestation on land would have indeed  an important positive effect to coral reefs growing near rivers. As Jaymi Heimbuch noted for Treehugger : ” The researchers found that mitigating erosion on

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Majority of Mankind to face water shortage by 2050

Back to May, a group of water scientists issued a declaration stating that over half the world population would face water shortage by the middle of the century.Given how we just can’t live without the precious fluid, let’s hope we will act. The main causes are known : over-pumping of underground aquifers, soaring populations, pollution,

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Carbon Emissions in Brazil Dropped 39% from 2005 to 2010

We have seen time and again that Brazil is working hard at stopping or at least decreasing deforesation of its marvelous Amazon rain forest. It seems all these efforts are paying of. To Cleantechies : ” Greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil fell by nearly 39 percent from 2005 to 2010, largely because of reductions in

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Deforestation in Brazil bumps up

Even if there have been many good news on the environmental fronts in the past few months, there are still some bad ones. While deforestation of the Amazon rainforest had been drastically reduced since 2004, it seems it increased last year. As Treehugger reports : “According to the Brazilian forest monitoring agency which uses satellite

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