
Dangerous pesticides to be banned in Europe

This made the headlines earlier this month as this is great news for bees and our civilization as Albert Einstein stated that “ If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live. “ The European commission seems to have understood that as it will ban […]

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Air pollution kills more than HIV and Malaria combined

Here is another article I wrote  for Cleantechies. It is on air pollution, a widespread phenomenon that is stricking both developed and developing nations all around the world. As one can see, it is also a most killing one : ” The combustion of fossil fuels are a huge health hazard as to a recent

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Is China reaching a tipping point on pollution ?

Over the past few days and weeks, so many horrifying news have been making the headlines on China that I thought a recap would be needed. As an introduction you might read my post on the airpocalypse in Beijing. All the news I will develop today clearly allow us to understand why the country is

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Major company to stop deforestating Indonesia

To the Agence France Presse : ” The world’s third-largest paper producer Asia Pulp and Paper said Tuesday it had stopped using logs from Indonesia’s natural forests, after fierce campaigning by green groups against the company.” ” The firm has in recent years lost packaging contracts with big brands such as foodmaker Kraft and Barbie’s

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Agreement on mercury signed by 140 countries

This month no less than 140 countries signed a legally binding agreement to curb their mercury emissions. While mercury is no greenhouse gas, it is a serious problem for both the environment and human health. To the World Health Organization (WHO) : ” “The inhalation of mercury vapour can produce harmful effects on the nervous,

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Australia is getting hotter, Beijing more irrespirable

Last week two events caught my attention in the Asia Pacific region as they show that our climate is warming and our air is deteriorating. Both events look unrelated at first but aren’t as fossil fuels are in both cases the culprit. The first one was the horrendous fires and temperatures witnessed in Australia. The

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New low levels for Amazon deforestation

Among all the doom and gloom climate change news nowadays – arctic record low levels,no commitment at COP18 in Doha, permafrost melting… – I chose to write today about some good news. We have seen that the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has been steadily decreasing for the past few years. Well, it seems it

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Organized crime is also behind deforestation

If I tell you “organized crime” you will most likely think about drug and weapons trafficking, prostitution, money laundering, extortion and so on. But as the Huffington Post Green reports : ” The United Nations Environment Program recently released an alarming report indicating organized crime is responsible for 50 to 90% of illegal logging in

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