
Whatever concerns current news goes here. This will not be solely news in sustainable development. Posts of interest in economics and politics go here as well.

United States may increase their use of renewables

On August 4th, the US House passed a bill that may increase the importance of renewable energy sources in the production of local electricity. The goal is to make renewables like wind power or solar PV account for 15 percent of the total electricity produced in the United States by 2020. The bill also included …

United States may increase their use of renewables Read More »

Résumé du mois de Juillet 2007

Ce mois-ci fut d’un point de vue tant énergétique que climatique riche en évènements. Ce site a en effet rapporté des faits de divers pays. Du modèle californien à la pollution de l’air qui frappe la Chine ; du programme d’enrichissement de l’uranium au Brésil à la mer d’Aral, nous avons ainsi beaucoup voyagé. Des …

Résumé du mois de Juillet 2007 Read More »

In 2006, solar thermal progressed steadily in the EU

According to EurObserv’ER, an organism from the European Union, solar thermal energy saw its demand grow by no less than 44 percent in 2006 in the European Union. This represents more than three million square meters of panels installed in a year. Huge differences occur between countries. For instance, Germany lead this increase by installing …

In 2006, solar thermal progressed steadily in the EU Read More »

Looking for a clean new car ? Look no further

The UK Department for Transport recently released a ranking of cars by their carbon dioxide emissions per kilometre. This is done in order to enable consumers to choose the cleanest car in the category. The cleanest of all being a Volkswagen Polo with as few as 99 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre. According to …

Looking for a clean new car ? Look no further Read More »

28 nuclear plants may be built in the United States

According to several sources, the International Herald Tribune, Business Wire and CNN, the United States plan to build several nuclear power plants in the coming years. The IHT article states : ” Power companies have tentative plans to put the 28 new reactors at 19 sites around the country. “ So after the Russian Confederation, …

28 nuclear plants may be built in the United States Read More »

Paris’ bike renting program, Velib

On July 15th, the French Capital city launched an interesting public service that enables people to rent bikes to go from on point to another. This program, called Velib (a contraction of vélo, bike and Liberté, freedom) will comprise by the of the year more than 20,500 bikes dispatched in around 1,400 stations. Velib proves …

Paris’ bike renting program, Velib Read More »

WWF encourages people to offset their emissions

The World Wild Fund for Nature is encouraging the 10,000 athletes that will compete at the 2008 Olympic Games of Beijing to offset their carbon dioxide emissions. Each of all these athletes is due to emit an average of four tonnes of CO2 by flying to the host city. To what can be added the …

WWF encourages people to offset their emissions Read More »

Brazil to enrich uranium

Brazil, the leading South American economy, plans to enrich uranium and to build possibly a new nuclear plant in order to answer to the local growing electricity demand. Last year Brazil achieved oil self-sufficiency and is now willing to launch a whole uranium enrichment program, in order to manage totally this part of the nuclear …

Brazil to enrich uranium Read More »

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