Record pollution in China in 2006

Year 2006 broke several records for China. The first one is good news for this great country as its economic growth was of 10.7 percent, the most important for the past 15 years. The second one is very bad news as 2006 was the “darkest year” for pollution in the People’s Republic of China. The

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French urged to decrease their electricity consumption

The ADEME ( “Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie” ; or Agency for Environment and Energy Conservation ; an official body depending from the French ministries of Environment and Industry ; website ) urged last week French people to decrease their electricity consumption. This is done after that our country has seen

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Study of the latest “Summary for policymakers”

I had time during the week-end to have a look at the summary for policymakers that was published last Friday by the IPCC specialists. This fourth report brings more precise data and reinforces the impression given by the third report that was published in 2001. During this time, climate specialists had time to study various

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IPCC published their 4th Summary for Policymakers

Published today on the IPCC website : “Late last night, Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) adopted the Summary for Policymakers of the first volume of “Climate Change 2007”, also known as the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). “Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis”, assesses the current scientific knowledge of

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US President becoming aware of energy scarcity

Last week on Wednesday evening, US President George W Bush tackled America’s addiction to oil during his seventh State of the Union address. In order to decrease this addiction, he proposed to increase the mileage standards for both cars and light trucks. This decision was taken in order to decrease by 20 percent in the

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IPCC meets this week in Paris

This week in Paris, the International Panel on Climate Change, the climate change experts working for the United Nations, will release the first part of their fourth report. The new evaluation report will normally show an acceleration in the climate change process as extreme phenomena have been witnessed from the United States to China, as

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