Wind and solar are now cheaper than fossil fuels

For years, grid parity – the time when solar and wind would be cost-competitive with fossil fuels and nuclear – was the holy grail of renewables energy, a target to reach in a distant future. But the future is now. 

Four cheap solutions to climate change

Climate change can be fixed by switching from cars to bikes, planting trees in our cities, tapping into energy efficiency’s potential and ditching coal and natural gas for solar and wind. Learn out more in this article.

Climate change horror stories from around the world

While it is undeniable that we are ramping up our actions against climate change, it is hard to deny that global warming is getting scarier every week. Here is a quick selection of horror stories I have collected this summer.

Book review: Climate of hope

A review of Climate of Hope, written by Carl Pope and Michael Bloomberg. Published this year it offers a comprehensive look on climate solutions.

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